Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

djtails3 @ Atmosphere 1981 1

Eclectic   Other   Ambient

Toegevoegd door: djtails3 @

Gestemd door: skoman
Favoriet van: skoman

skoman -
That's a hot little car
I can't wait for the next mix like this  :L
djtails3 -
On 19-08-2019 00:40:26, skoman wrote:

I can't wait for the next mix like this  :L

Thank you very much
I am working on the next one right now. Finding a track list to equal the first is proving difficult
skoman -
That's a hot little car
On 25-08-2019 19:03:28, djtails3 wrote:

On 19-08-2019 00:40:26, skoman wrote:

I can't wait for the next mix like this  :L

Thank you very much
I am working on the next one right now. Finding a track list to equal the first is proving difficult

Any chance of a tracklist for this one?  :)
djtails3 -
I've put the playlist on Spotify djtails3 account if you can get access