Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj DAN @ Electro Essentials Mix


Toegevoegd door: pointlesspoint @
Laatst gewijzigd door: pointlesspoint @

Lengte: 01:36:29

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1. Mr. Velcro Fastener - Electric Appliances
2. ID (???)
3. Lowfish - Around The Neck
4. Microthol - Stringslinger
5. ID (???)
6. Model 500 - No UFO's
7. Dexter - Mr Blunt
8. ID ('freeze your soul for x')
9. ID (I-F?)
10. ID (Dopplereffekt?)
11. ID (Japanese Telecom?)
12. Seymour Bits - Hit Me With Technology
13. ID (???)
14. ID (???)
15. Dexter - Raw!
16. ID ('i build a machine')
17. ID ('super synthesizers' 'digital system')
18. Underground Resistance - Electronic Warfare (Vocal)
19. Electric Soul - Stereotype
20. Anthony Rother - Bad To The Bone
21. Dexter - Echo Park
22. ID (???)
23. ID (???)
24. I-F - Space Invaders Are Smoking Grass
25. Audio Riot - Discoslut
26. ID ('get mad')
27. ID ('tripping on a drug style')
28. ID ('the dopeman, please can i get another hit?')
29. ID ('a vision to some, a nightmare for many')
30. ID ('lfo - echo - frequency - channel 6 oscillator - operator - time to mix')
31. Edmx - Bang It!
32. ID (???)
33. ID (?)
34. ID (??)
35. ID (???????)