Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Bruzhe @ PRSPCT Quarantine Broadcast 82

Crossbreed   UK Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: McBong @

Lengte: 01:15:45

Meer info
PRSPCT - Quaranstream Broadcast #82 is brought to you by Bruzhe.

To make this quarantine period a little less boring we have decided to do daily broadcasts by great artists from all around the globe through our PRSPCT Quaranstream Live Broadcast channel.

With Akira almost reaching his retirement age the time has come to pass on the HKV stick to his son Akira JR aka Bruzhe. This 15 year old bad boy will be making his PRSPCT Quaranstream debut tonight.

19.30 CET its ON people!. History in the making here... Time to make the switch and get Akira to press the merch instead and free Bruce!

We at PRSPCT HQ + all of the artists involved are doing this pure out of love & passion for the music and -of course- all of you guys! If you're enjoying this Broadcast and want to support PRSPCT & the artist playing, it is now possible to make a small donation by visiting the following page:

All donations will be equally shared between the artist playing & PRSPCT so we can keep these daily broadcasts alive.


Gestemd door: McBong hardcorerepublic Sporadic MattiX

MattiX -
01. Dolphin - Runnin' Out Of Cream
02. Hellfish - Full Spectrum Warrior
03. Detest & The Satan - Walk
04. Dolphin - Undefeatable
05. Bryan Fury - Ex-It
06. The Satan - I See My Demons
07. The DJ Producer - Paradise Is Never (Paradise Found 2017 Refix)
08. The Hard Way - THW Wrecking Crew (Akira Remix)
09. The Satan - Gangzta Cash
10. The Satan - Go To Hell
11. ID - ID [20:30]
12. Bryan Fury - Ex-It
13. Xaturate & The DJ Producer - Armored Giant
14. ID - ID [26:50]
15. I:gor - Declaration Of War
16. Dolphin Feat. Bryan Fury - Wooo!
17. Bryan Fury - 54936 Gangstar
18. Khaoz Engine - Abomination (Bryan Fury Remix)
19. Axe Gabba Murda Mob - B2B Murda
20. Deathmachine - Bad Man Crew
21. Hellfish - The Beast Incarnate
22. Dolphin - Garbage
23. Hellfish - You Need Crack!
24. Razor Edge - Death Row ([KRTM] Remix)
25. Deathmachine - Distort U (VIP)
26. Hellfish - Dogfish
27. ID - ID [46:30]
28. The Outside Agency - Locker Room Talk
29. Akira - My Shit Style
30. Khaz Engine - Bloodflow (Dolphin Remix)
31. Akira & Khaoz Engine - Galactic Human
32. Axe Gabba Murda Mob - Zero Empathy
33. Hellfish - The Irritation Centre.wav
34. Hellfish & Bryan Fury - Baby Eaters
35. Bryan Fury - 10K Nukes
36. Hellfish & Bryan Fury - Outcasts
37. Axe Gabba Murda Mob - Hey Motherfucka
38. Hellfish - Fuck Em Up!
39. The DJ Producer - Hell-E-Vator (Producer's XTRM Punk Funk Slamdunk VIP Mix)
40. The DJ Producer - The True Creators Pt.3 (Hellfish Dedicated Revision)
41. The Satan - Crusade
42. The Satan - Destroy Everything
43. ID - ID [72:00]