Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tonnerre de Brest @ 404 Gabber Hardcore

Hardcore   Industrial Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 01:48:10

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Tonnerre de Brest - 404 Gabber Hardcore

Mon set Gabber / Hardcore du 09/06/18
Bonne écoute  :)

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Zekt - Explorers
2. Mescalinum United - Jupiter Union
3. Byron Bogues - Dossdrum
4. Tim Tama - Tension II
5. [KRTM] - Guy On Rope Laughing Out Loud (Old School Mix)
6. Shadowlands Terrorists - Impossible To Loose
7. DJ J.D.A - The Big Payback
8. DJ Obsession - The Course of History
9. Autistic Ghost - The Metal Vibration
10. Tocsin - Vanity
11. Slavefriese - Reanimate The Future
12. Pilldriver - Pitch-Hiker
13. NC1N - Kickin Therapy
14. U47 - Evil Exist
15. U47 - La Dame en Noir
16. [KRTM] - Baldboy
17. [KRTM] - Chaser (Monkey With Shotgun)
18. Tymon - Poison Hate
19. The Masochist - Timebomb
20. Mindustries - Minds in Motion
21. Dr. Macabre - I kill Babies
22. Tommyknocker vs DJ Mad Dog - Snap Off
23. Waldhaus - A Journey Through Time
24. Tymon ft. Betty Haze - Weapons of War
25. Stormtrooper - Fear FM
26. NRK - Petrafenia
27. Bryan Fury - Negative Drop
28. Bryan Fury - Position Held
29. Catscan - Exploded Vain
30. Catscan - Drive by
31. Jepeto - La Tu Ris
32. Taciturne - Der Toten
33. Seïnart X U47 - Necronomicon Ex Mortis
34. Apex Rise - Dope
35. Slavefriese - Basehammer (Krad Evitagen Remix)
36. E-Man - Bass Machine
37. Ear Terror DJ TEAM - To Be Hardcore