Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Rebekah @ Awakenings New Years Eve


Toegevoegd door: MattiX @
Laatst gewijzigd door: MattiX @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:31:04
Gestemd door: MattiX hardcorerepublic

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. 93SOVAGE - Wrong Portal
2. Mickey Nox - Your Cruel Face
3. ID (05:35)
4. ID (07:40)
5. ID (09:30)
6. ID (12:15)
7. Tripped - Y THO
8. ID (18:15)
9. ID (20:00)
10. DJ Jon Piemel - Inhale
11. ID (25:00)
12. ID (26:40)
13. ID (29:10)
14. Tripped - Cuming
15. KØZLØV - Troublemaker
16. [KRTM] - Placebo
17. ID (37:15)
18. Dyen - Instinct (Buried Secrets Mix)
19. Mickey Nox - Riot Shield (Ayarcana Remix)
20. ID (42:55)
21. Synaptic Memories - Human Ashes
22. Somniac One - Dad Bodies Everywhere
23. ID (52:10)
24. ID (54:05)
25. Brecc - Cripple
26. ID (58:20)
27. [KRTM] - Baldboy
28. ID (62:20)
29. ID (64:25)
30. ID (66:10)
31. ID (70:10)
32. ID (72:10)
33. Ben Stevfens & Captain Tinrib - Dirty Mushroom
34. Waldhaus & Stormtrooper - Experimental Injections
35. Badah - The Rape Of The World
36. ID (77:25)
37. Thomas Schumacher - When I Rock (Thomas Schumacher Remix)
38. ID (83:10)
39. ID (84:45)
40. Aphex Twin - Polynomial-C