Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Jackhammer & Painbringer @ Hardcore Romance (From Hell)

Early Hardcore   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 01:00:38

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Frau Chef & Painbringer - Hardcore Romance (from hell)

Gestemd door: hardcorerepublic

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1. The Gatorade's - Dark Piano
2. Citrus - Fascination
3. Genlog - It Feels So...
4. Human Resource - Dominator (1997 Remix)
5. Traumatic - Acid Voices (Higher) (Mandala Remix)
6. MD&A - Blow
7. Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Mova Ya' Bodies)
8. DJ Hooligan - Imagination Of House (Totally House Version)
9. Black Knight - Back To Tha "O" School
10. Sigma 909 - Blow Your Mind
11. VCF - Hydrochloric
12. Endorphin - The Great Strife
13. Armageddon Project - Spawn Of Misanthropy
14. Omar Santana - Stab Your Brain (DJ Anas Remix)
15. A.C.A.B. - No One Owns House
16. DJ Nosferatu - Language of Rhythm
17. E-Man - Entering The Unknown
18. Reyes - Live Forever
19. The Headbanger - Sweet Dreams You Bastard
20. Predator - Da Way We Rock
21. Psylocke - Walls Of Mystery
22. DJ Ruffneck - 20 Bullits To Comply
23. Cyclopede - What
24. Painbringer - Never Say Die
25. Knightvision - Who Is It?
26. Painbringer - Hyped Up
27. Too Fast For Mellow - We Gonna Get This Place
28. Omar Santana - Noise Havoc
29. Alien Factory - Get The Future Started