Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Revoked I Raw Therapy @ Raw Therapy 031


Toegevoegd door: Revoked @

Lengte: 01:38:40
Gestemd door: Revoked

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1. Ran-D - Hell Ain't Ready
2. Eternate - Back To Me
3. Limitless - Alone
4. Aerobass - Hate Me
5. B-Front & Udex - Falling
6. Hard Driver - Chemistry
7. Beat the Beats ft. Last Word - Survive This War
8. Sub Sonik - Darkness
9. Nightcraft - Into The Dark
10. Adaro - The Haunter of the Dark (Kick Edit)
11. B-Front & E-Force - Faith & Insanity
12. Cold Confusion - Let It Go
13. Rogue Zero - When The Rest Die
14. Insurge & Phyric - Warning
15. Rebelion & Sound Rush - Hypnotized
16. BENGR - Fire In Her Eyes
17. Ran-D & D-Sturb ft. XCEPTION - Dance With The Devil
18. Uncaged - Whatever It Takes
19. High Level & Paulistos ft. Mo - Escape My Mind (Mortar & Valido Remix)
20. RVAGE - Haunted Eyes
21. Riot Shift & Firelite - Out Of Time (Aversion Remix)
22. Regain - Anything
23. Warface - Bloody Valentine
24. Kronos ft. Last World - Warzone
25. Cold Confusion - Bounce & Break
26. Coone - Aladdin On E (Warface Remix)
27. Bloodlust ft. Carola & Livid - The Assassins
28. Malice & Krowdexx ft. Luca Lee Josh - BLACK ANIMA
29. Rebelion ft. Delete - One Last Chance (For A Mashup)
30. Deadly Guns & The Menace - The MFing ThrashCore