Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Simon Underground @ North

Early Terror

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:47:02

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Signs Of Chaos - Untitled (A2)
2. Unsatisfied Evil - Moeders Houdt Je Dochters Thuis
3. Kombat Ki - The Living Dead
4. Nasenbluten - Feeling Shit
5. Micropoint - Quad Damage (Part 1)
6. Joshua - La Voix D'outre Tombe
7. M.I.D. - Black Submarine
8. ID (20:00)
9. Bud Burnerz ‎- Mofuckassup
10. ID (25:00)
11. Kyo_O - Trashcoders
12. The Enticer - The Battle
13. ID (34:00)
14. Nasenbluten - Australian Slag
15. Traffik - Bloodbath
16. Shit Spitter - Fuck Your Face
17. Sonic Overkill ‎- I'll Be Watching You Die

pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Tracklist by Bedlam/Blastfast and yours truly:

01 - Intro (Henry David Thoreau quote' (...) perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears (...)'
02 - Signs Of Chaos - Untitled (A2)
03 - Unsatisfied Evil - Moeders Houdt Je Dochters Thuis
04 - Kombat Ki - The Living Dead
05 - Nasenbluten - Feeling Shit
06 - Micropoint - Quad Damage Part 1
07 - Joshua - La Voix D'outre Tombe
08 - M.I.D. - Black Submarine
09 - ??? ID 20:00
10 - Bud Burnerz ‎- Mofuckassup
11 - ??? ID 25:00 Hardcoholics? ‎
12 - Hardcoholics - Trashcoders
13 - The Enticer - The Battle
14 - ??? ID 34:00
15 - Nasenbluten - Australian Slag
16 - Traffik - Bloodbath
17 - Shit Spitter - Fuck Your Face
18 - Sonic Overkill ‎- I'll Be Watching You Die
Gewijzigd door pointlesspoint op 25-02-2021 17:17
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Thank you  :)

On gabbatracklistworld he wrote North (NSA 21), but the NSA 21 sets listed here on lsdb took place on 02.03.

Or mixed Simon the months up?
Gewijzigd door Hansolo op 25-02-2021 17:32
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Could be. I have this set as mp3 straight from Simon Underground's website back in 2001, i will try to check that this evening how it is tagged!

On Discogs:
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Gewijzigd door Hansolo op 25-02-2021 17:42
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
I don't have this set... back in the days i downloaded the following sets from Simon's website:


which i brought back on the net after all those years, tracklisted them and placed them on LSDB.
Gewijzigd door pointlesspoint op 25-02-2021 20:02
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
If my memory serves me right this set was indeed recorded on 02-02-2001, so Simon hasn't made a mistake.
So there can only be discussion about which North event, if at all.