Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Defracture @ Digital Darkness Guest Mix #16

Drum & Bass   Crossbreed   Darkstep

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 00:57:05

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Digital Darkness Records
Guest Mix #16 (Mixed By Defracture)

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1. Switch Technique & Freqax - Flaming Future
2. Krytika - Darken Times
3. Dmøncøre - Neutrons and Particles (LAP Remix)
4. Coman Dante & Peter Kurten - Stranger Things
5. C.A.2K - Matrix (Katharsys Remix)
6. Peter Kurten - G.A.M. (Giant Absurd Machine)
7. Mikromakine - Negative Education
8. Dyslexia - Always Pain
9. Dither & Wavolizer - Time Bomb
10. Blast - Shapeshifter
11. Mikromakine - Self Destruction
12. Dyslexia - Validol
13. Dyslexia - The Evil Eye
14. The Outside Agency & Deathmachine - Violence
15. Hated - Fallen in Love With a Sharp Knife
16. East Kingdom - FCKD Up Generation
17. Current Value & Donny - Nightmare man (SPL Remix)
18. Katharsys & Brainpain - SFN
19. TNTKLZ - Breakup
20. QKHack & Im Colapsed - Rave
21. Switch Technique - Simoom
22. Kryzys - Suicide
23. Circular D - Techno Slam
24. Absurd & Aconit - Gruda
25. Exrer - Plague