Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Xenomorph XX121 @ I Love Gabberdisco #5 - Today's A Bad Fur Day!

Hardtek   Frenchcore

Toegevoegd door: RubberenRobbie @
Laatst gewijzigd door: RubberenRobbie @

Lengte: 02:30:35

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Not a good Day to be a Red Squirrel... :3 <3

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Gestemd door: alexvdh

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1. Subsonic 808 - Mahna Mahna
2. Subsonic 808 - Right Now
3. Biochip C. - Castle (Remaster)
4. Biochip C. - Dope Rave Style
5. Biochip C. - Tyrant Of The Tower
6. Search & Destroy - Music (Happ-E Mix)
7. Biochip C. - Strange Invaders (remix)
8. Search & Destroy - Magic
9. Cybex Factor - Change Your Mind
10. Search & Destroy - Live in Smolensk
11. Biochip C. - I'll Be There
12. Random Rampage - Partyland
13. Biochip C. - Major T.
14. Biochip C. - It's A Quiet Village (Remaster)
15. Biochip C. - Bliss
16. The Speed Freak - Teufelsgeiger
17. Cybex Factor II - The Essence Of Life
18. Pinnacle & Thumpa - Like a Bulldozer (The Speed Freak Remix)
19. Random Rampage - Grand Oeuvre d'Oeuf (Stormtrooper Edit)
20. The Speed Freak - Tadpole (Bash Your Brain Remix)
21. The Speed Freak - Planet XTC (Remaster)
22. The Speed Freak - Motherfuckerbrother
23. The Speed Freak - Paranoia
24. The Speed Freak & R-Kane - Ein Tag zum Sonne-Putzen
25. Stormtrooper - Rolling Thunder
26. Chryzis - Jungle Fever
27. Chryzis - Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls
28. Chryzis - Till Death Do Us Party
29. Chryzis - Sorry I'm Fresh
30. HekTeka - Horny Disaster
31. HekTeka - Fiesta De Elite
32. Hekteka - Methodical Madness
33. HekTeka - Arsch An Arsch Zur Discokugel
34. HekTeka - Bamboozle
35. HekTeka - Kerfuffle
36. HekTeka - HighOpei
37. HekTeka - Terrorizing Disco Ball
38. HekTeka - I Need Blue Life
39. HekTeka - Gänsehautentzündung
40. Hekteka - Journey Through The 90s
41. HekTeka - Gerrymandering