Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Rage @ Species Manchester Pack 005

Early Terror

Toegevoegd door: SandStorm @
Laatst gewijzigd door: SandStorm @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:53:39
Gestemd door: SandStorm

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Hammer Damage - Help Us
2. Al Core - Vocodur
3. Al Core - All That Shit!
4. Matt Green - Remand
5. SpeedyQ's - Aglahez
6. The Hardcoholics - Ignition
7. Mutoid - The Necronomicon
8. Hardcoholics (Kyo-O) - NATO Agressor
9. Akira & Metal D - Trancetrutje
10. The Destroyer - My Brain Is Sick (Rmx)
11. DJ Radium - Scum Centre
12. Al Core vs Fist Of Fury - Paranowave
13. Cenobit - Cellblock 5
14. The Noize Junkie - In My Head
15. Noize Creator - Dreckfresser
16. The Destroyer - Total Hate (Remix)
17. Fist of Fury - L'Asile de Gens
18. The Destroyer - Arcade X-perience (Remix)

SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
trcklst  :thumbsup:
Bedlam -
On 17-09-2021 16:40:10, SandStorm wrote:

trcklst  :thumbsup:

Don't know if that's the same one? Have a look let me know I'm busy? 'Noize Creator - Dreckfresser' not with DJ Freak they have two tracks each on the release.
Bedlam -
01. Hammer Damage - Help Us
02. Al.Core - Vocodur
03. Al Core - All That Shit!
04. Matt Green - Remand
05. SpeedyQ's - Aglahez
06. Hardcoholic s - Ignition
07. Mutoid - The Necronomicon
08. Hardcoholics (Kyo-O) - NATO Agressor
09. Akira & Metal D - Trancetrutje
10. 00:28:30 Known?
11. DJ Radium - Scum Centre
12. Alcore / Fist Of Fury - Paranowave
13. 00:34:30 Well known to high pitched can't get it?
14. The Noize Junkie - In My Head
15. Noize Creator - Dreckfresser
16. The Destroyer - Total Hate (Rmx)
17. Fist Of Fury - L'Asile De Gens
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
10. 00:28:30 Known? -> i hear 'this brain is sick' multiple times so probably The Destroyer? Can't find the correct remix?
13. 0034:50 Cenobit - Cellblock 5
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
10. 00:28:30 Known? -> i hear 'this brain is sick' multiple times so probably The Destroyer? Can't find the correct remix?

The Destroyer - My Brain Is Sick (Rmx)
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
Thnx guys!  :thumbsup2: