Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Darkraver , Vince , Panic & The Viper @ The Darkraver Cave The Fantastic Four!

Early Hardcore   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 08:24:18
Gestemd door: Hansolo The_Sociopath Weerzinwekkend Sarge

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Darkraver Warmup:
1. DJ Vince - V-Ruz
2. Boombastic - Leaders Of The New School (1)
  Darkraver & Vince & Panic & The Viper b2b vinyl set:
3. Black Knight - Kick Up The Volume (Play It Loud)
4. Mister DJ - Screaming (1)
5. DJ Vince - Freakandell (Speciaal Mix) (1)
6. MC Rage - Rave Machine (The Dark Raver's "1000% Intelligent Rave Machine" Remix) (1)
7. DJ paul vs DJ panic - is this the future
8. Bodylotion - How Much Can You Take
9. ID (23:54) (2)
10. B.S.E. - Headache FM
11. G-Town Madness - Determination
12. B.S.E. - Wreerw (1)
13. DJ Zany - Work That Sucker (2)
14. ID (36:00 Intelligent Hardcore Remix?)
15. Nasty Django & DJ Cirillo - Deal Wit' Beats
16. The Stunned Guys - Deep Impact
17. Black Knight - Ruff Rider
18. Catscan & Promo - Midnight Impact
19. DJ Isaac & The Viper - Freak That Shit
20. DJ Perpetrator & DJ Attic & DJ Stylzz - The Strong Survive
21. Frankie Bones - Rude Boy Style (Brooklyn Cold Rush, Remake) (1)
22. Protect System - Arachnophobia (2)
23. Program 1 - Betrayer (Pow!)
24. Hard Creation - Are You Down?
25. Don Diablo - Nothing To Lose
26. Manuel E.S. - Old Soul (1)
27. The D.O.C. - Alright...Yeah!
28. Without A Doubt - Scream (1)
29. ID (ID 01:14:00 (do right here is go back))
30. Ramirez - Terapia
31. ​Ilsa Gold - Up (T-Bone Castro Remix)
32. Lord of Hardcore - Hellbound (Touche Turtle Mix) (1)
33. Scott Brown vs. DJ Rab S - Now Is The Time
34. Bass Reaction - Technophobia (Power Mix)
35. ID (ID (Rock that shit, homie))
36. Alk-E-D - Home (Luna-C Remix)
37. Mike Slammer & DJ Red Alert - You Are The One (1)
38. M-Beat ft. General Levy - Incredible (1)
39. The Dream Team - Stamina
40. ID (01:37:30) (1)
41. Marc Smith - Yeah! Yeah! (2)
42. Bass Generator - The Event (Who Gives A Fuck About Stupid Mix Names Anyway Mix) (1)
43. ​Scott Brown - Detonated (1)
44. Dance overdose - Overdose Stomp (The Marc Smith Notorious Mix)
45. Natural Born Chillers - Rock The Funky Beats
46. The Ultimate Seduction - Ba Da Da Na Na Na (Rotterdam Mix) (1)
47. DJ Zany - Nitroglycerine
48. Chosen Few - Tranceparant (1)
49. Too Fast For Mellow - Wooh!
50. The Viper - No Tricks (2)
51. The Viper vs Mad-E-Fact - The Beatz The Suckersz Wish They Had
52. DJ Mon-E & The Revenger - Demons
53. Reyes - Rock With Me
54. Citrus - Fascination
55. Cyborg Unknown - Return Of The Cyborg Unknown (1)
56. Cixx vs The Vinyl Junk - Bounce 'n Shake (Lecker)
57. Turbolenza - Master Of The Universe
58. Davex - Sex Permitted (1)
59. Menace II Society - Son Of A Bitch (1)
60. Bertocucci Feranzano - XTC Love
61. Fast Forward - Wildstyle (1)
62. The Masochist - No New Style?
63. ID (02:34:00) (1)
64. G-Shock - From the Darkness
65. 50% Of The Dreamteam - Fatal Morgana
66. ID (02:43:??)
67. Frantic Explosion - Boom! Bang! (1)
68. Buzz Fuzz - Hard As Rock
69. Lockjaw - Deep In The Underground
70. DJ Alex - In Control
71. The Accusers - Demons Of Revival
72. Neophyte - Braincracking (Buzz Fuzz Remix)
73. DJ Paralizer - Bizarcore
74. Too Fast For Mellow - We Gonna Get This Place (The Stunned Guys Remix)
75. DJ Vince & DJ Zany - More Bazz (Y2K Remix)
76. Crazy People Are Happy - I Don't Wanna Fall In Love
77. Power Supply - Emergency
78. DJ Yves - You Belong To Me
79. Noise - Guess Who!! (Terror Time Mix)
80. Sorcerer - Spring
81. Chosen Few - Danica
82. Duo Penotti - Addicted 2 Raves (Buzz Fuzz Remix)
83. Lenny Dee - Fuckin Hostile (Remixed By Disintegrator) (1)
84. Pino D'Ambini ft. Beasty Boy - Motherfucker (Hard Mix)
85. DJ Paralizer - Smoke Up My Ass
86. Rob Gee, Repete & MC Romeo Romeo - Riot in N.Y. (Mental Lownoise Remix 1)
87. Rave Parade - Kiss The Fucking Charly & Theo Goodbye (Fast Mix) (1)
88. ID (03:45:44)
89. The Stunned Guys - Beats Time (1)
90. Double Trouble & The Rebel MC - Just Keep Rockin'
91. Heavy D & The Boyz - Now That We Found Love
92. Tony Scott - That's How I'm Living
93. Rob 'N' Raz ft. Leila K - Got To Get
94. Fast Eddie - Yo Yo Get Funky
95. Wee Papa Girl Rappers - Heat It Up (Acid House Remix)
96. Mr Lee - Get Busy
97. Shadowlands Terrorists - Shadowlands Anthem
98. Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Verrotted
99. T.O.P.D.R.O.P. - Achtung!
100. DJ Pagan meets G-Town Madness - Total Confusion
101. Deaz D. - Acid Yell (Gizmo's Acid Mix)
102. Shadowlands Terrorists - Break it Down
103. Tellurian - Guyver
104. DMX - X Gon' Give It To Ya
105. Shadowlands Terrorists - Dropping Bombs
106. Chosen Few & DJ Pila - The Break
107. ID (04:40:40)
108. Chosen Few - Ø Chøsen
109. The Partyman - Take It Easy
110. Rave-Busterz - We Come From Bochum City
111. ​Influid II - Push The Button
112. C-Tank - Nightmares Are Reality
113. SP 23 - Network 23
114. Terror Arnold - Gabba Mission
115. ID (04:59:??)
116. Mike Ink - Lovely Ugly Brutal World (1)
117. Rexanthony - Kawtrone (1)
118. Evil Maniax - We Are The Creators Of Hardcore (Bodylotion Remix)
119. ID (ID)
120. Omar Santana - Quick Fix (The Horrorist Remix) (1)
121. ID (ID)
122. Placid K - "Down" Experience (1st Mix) (1)
123. Holy Noise - James Brown Is Still Alive (Chilling Beats) (1)
124. ID (ID)
125. ID (ID)
126. Edge Of Motion - Set Up 707
127. ID (ID)
128. DJ Hooligan - B.O.T.T.R.O.P.
129. ID (ID (Cosanostra?))
130. ID (Euromasters? - ID)
131. Subtopia - The Mob Rules (1)
132. Nightstalkers - Gangstershit
  Darkraver solo:
133. Moka DJ - Start This Record
134. V-Room - Sonic Jungle
135. ID (5:55:00 ID (samples van Samples of B-Boy Bouillabaisse - beasty boys))
136. Mindscape - Me & Him (Aciddrop)
137. Lenny Dee & Turbulence - Whurlstorm (Mover Remix)
138. Plexus - Autoshutter
139. Rave Creator - A New Mind (Cold Rush Phuture Mix)
140. Rave Creator - Divine Dancer
141. Lunatic Asylum - Chaos Effect
142. Rave Creator - Wake Up
143. Tilt! - Sound-State Of Emergency
144. Marshall Masters - E-Ternal
145. E-Man - Bass Machine
146. E-Man - E-Shifter
147. The Crusader & Mad "Magic" Junior - The Navigator (mix 1)
148. Reign - Show 'em
149. Rave Creator - Into Sound
150. Human Resource - Dominator FFM (Reactivated By Steve Shit)
151. Tschabos - Fleisch (Teil 2)
152. Marshall Masters ft. Da TMC - Don't Touch That Stereo
153. Tschabos - Und Die Bass Ist Oberlaut
154. Tschabos - Konstablerwache 2000 (Stampf Mix)
155. Inferno Bros. - Slaves To The Rave (PCP Mix)
156. 6-Pack - Drunken Piece Of Shit (Mix 2)
157. Masters Of Rave - Are You With Me (Energie Hallen Mix)
158. Masters Of Rave - Pump It (Like A Master)
159. Nasty Django - HMF (Shit's Psychosex-Remix)
160. Rave Creator & The Mover - Atmos-Fear (Catscan Remix)
161. T.urbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die
162. Tschabos - Ischgibbdir
163. Nasty Django - Ey Loco!
164. Robert Friese - Everybody On Ecstasy
165. Marc Acardipane - Rave Or Die
166. Genetic Waste - Genetic Waste (1)
167. Omar Santana - Quick Fix (The Horrorist Remix)
168. Omar Santana - Step The Fuck Back (Oh Oh's Fuked Up Mix)

Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Thanks to Leen Baksteen & Rii Ve & chillegast en Z & Darkcore studio  :beer:
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Did the tracks for the last hour.

Not sure if Masters Of Rave - Are You With Me was played  :W
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
I posted the tracks i found personally (like 21. Frankie Bones & 22. Protect System) as a reply to Leen Baksteen in the comment section but i don't see the comment when i'm not logged in on Youtube.
Not always, but it happens on some channels when i try to post a tracklist or something. Might be some spam protection or whatever reason.

You should relisten the whole set Han, to find ID's not timestamped yet  ;)  :6:  :rtfm:  :arr:  :clown:  :beer: . Greets!
Gewijzigd door pointlesspoint op 05-01-2022 20:39