Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Drastic @ Drastic Sounds #134

Drum & Bass   Darkstep   Crossbreed

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 02:08:23

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Drastic - Drastic Sounds #134

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1. Hustle Athletics - Lekker (Posij Remix)
2. Sleepnet - Angel Blade
3. C.A.2.K - Pressurized
4. East Kingdom - The DFAM Symphony
5. Sleepnet - Love No More
6. Noisia - Incessant (IMANU Remix)
7. Freqax - BamBam
8. Symplex & Confusion - Resonate
9. Switch Technique - The Hexican
10. BSA - Unravel
11. Bad Syntax - The Chant of Kashima (Chris.SU Remix)
12. Counterstrike - Collision Imminent
13. Burr Oak - Strafe
14. Cooh - Enormal
15. Bad Syntax - Darkness (Sinister Souls Remix)
16. Counterstrike - System Control
17. Inerpois & Backup ft. Dunats - Pain
18. Blockdata - The Pattern (Enduser Remix)
19. Donny & Katharsys - The Question (DJ Hidden Remix)
20. Visceral - The Signal
21. Crawler - Predictable Future
22. Ogonek - Vall
23. QO & Trilo - Push It To The Limit (Shmidoo Remix)
24. Freqax & Katharsys - Rapture (Night Caps Version)
25. Noisia & Phace - Purpose (Buunshin Remix)
26. Donny, Katharsys & Counterstrike - 3 Day Binge
27. Section 63 - Wookie
28. NERVE - Tension
29. Cooh - Trinity
30. BSA - Outside Healer
31. Brainpain - Berserk
32. Delimit & Coman Dante - The Unknown
33. Noisia - Could This Be (Malux Remix)
34. Inerpois & Backup - Spiral
35. Absurd - Soviet Dream
36. Donny & Katharsys - Timeline
37. Crawler - The Last Ones
38. Akrom - Pyramidion
39. Dolphin & The Teknoist - War Track VIP
40. Embrionyc - Vitality
41. Ophidian - Electric Resonance
42. Kobaryo ft. Blaxervant - Demise
43. Limewax - Agent Orange (The Outside Agency Remix)
44. Wavolizer - Hedonism
45. Deathmachine - Kill
46. The Teknoist - For Those That Know
47. Deathmachine - Our Rights
48. Dataklysm - Najia Kuthia
49. Hellfish & The DJ Producer - Return Of The Damagers
50. Detest - Back To The Motherfucking
51. Dolphin - The Death of Theokoles (Rupture & Jeffius Barbaric Remix)
52. The Outside Agency - Rage
53. Tugie - Audio Intercourse (Rogue Remix)
54. Akira - All Rise
55. DJIPE - Prism
56. The Outside Agency - Alone In The Meantime