Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

AniMe @ Absolute mix #23


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:45:52
Gestemd door: hardstyl3MF The_Sociopath

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Noize Suppressor - Party Animal
2. DJ AniMe - Insane Hardcore
3. Stereotype - Justice
4. Tha Playah - Why So Serious? (Angerfist Remix)
5. Javi Boss - Fucking Boss
6. DJ Mad Dog - XTC
7. Noize Suppressor ft. Multiplex MC - No Enemy
8. DJ AniMe - Fucking XTC Love (Mashup)
9. Outblast & Angerfist ft. MC The Watcher - Die Hard
10. DJ Mad Dog - 1996
11. The Dissident - Bang to the street
12. Broken Minds - Wishmasters
13. DJ Mad Dog ft. Dave Revan - Wait & Bleed
14. N-Vitral - (Hardshock Officla Anthem 2016)
15. Kasparov, System Shock & Revolter ft. Zwaargewicht - Poede in je neusgat
16. DJ Mad Dog ft. MC Syco - I Don't Give A Fuck About
17. Access One - Own Power
18. Noize Suppressor - Im Nin'Alu
19. Evil Activities & Furyan - Speak My Mind
20. Neophyte & Furyan ft.Tim Beumers - Wie De Fok
21. Dyprax - Titty Pom Pom