Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Diskore @ Buried & Alive & Conquer & Divide Sequence Nummer A3 Drei Session

Intelligent Dance Music   Industrial   Breakbeat

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:02:39

Meer info
Diskore - Buried & Alive & Conquer & Divide Sequence, Nummer A3 Drei Session

[Experimental | Abstract | IDM | Broken Beats | Breakbeat |
Electro | Leftfield | Industrial | Rhythmic Noise | Dark Ambient | Illbient]


Skull - Buried Alive - Sysmo
Passarani - No Hope - Hymen Records; Ambivalence
Enzym - Nummer Drei - Suburban Trash Industries
Shed - Black Heart - Monkeytown Records
Frost Jockey - The Groke - Planet Mu
Twisted Science - The Power of One - Lo Recordings
Ra-X - Untitled A3 - Bunker Records
Pure - Would U Like to Take a Piss in GGS Mouth? - Praxis
Converter - Rust - Ant-Zen
Existential Surealist - EAP_No. 15i - Différence Symétrique
Shackleton - In the Void - Planet Mu
Logos - Metropolis - Keysound Recordings
Ĺšlepcy - Krasne Lake Sessions - kool.POP
Speedy J - Ni Go Snix (Snix Mix) - NovaMute
Zymosiz - Failproof - Possessive Blindfold Recordings
Capslock - Brauk - Ketacore Records
Somatic Responses - Cinematic Death Sequence - Hymen Records
Multipara & Blaxista - Pocket Monster 2000 - Lux Nigra
Guyver - Divide & Conquer - Bloody Fist Records