Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Relic vs. Maui Pentocosto @ Ben Harder Show Episode 30 Amigo's Naar De Klote


Toegevoegd door: Morango @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:00:00
Gestemd door: Tunnelgaenger


01. Seema - Red Planet
02. Tomash Gee - Methanabol 001 (A)
03. Cannon Project - Industrial Beat
04. Dep Affect - Walrus Worm
05. Broken Rules - Bring It
06. Tomash Gee - Scanners
07. Waldhaus - Assault
08. Ophidian - Pepperspray
09. Sven Wittekind & Boris S - What ?
10. Rude Awakening vs. DJ Amok - Electronic Rod
11. Jav - Prophets In The Mist (Tymon ft. Janie Remix)
12. DJ Amok - Behind The Madness
13. Sandy Warez - Push The Last Door (Remix)
14. Greg Notill - Stop Talking, Start Working
15. Enzyme X - Prankster
16. Enzyme X - Fytoftora
17. Enzyme X - Dissonant Poetry (The Outside Agency Remix)
18. The DJ Producer - Battle On LV-426
19. Mindustries - Deus Ex Machina (Producer Adrenaline Injection)

Morango -
What is real?
this set is 1 hour, not 1 minute... my mistake...  :W
Tunnelgaenger -
15. Enzyme X - Prankster
16. Enzyme X - Fytoftora
17. Enzyme X - Dissonant Poetry (The Outside Agency remix)  :')