Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Fatamor @ Harder (Early Hardstyle) Vol 5

Early Hardstyle

Toegevoegd door: fatamor @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 02:05:37

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1. Brennan & Heart - Hardstate Channel
2. DJ Zany - Freakz
3. DJ Virus - Masterz of Bass (DJ Neo Remix)
4. Spy-Kore - Dead In A Blast
5. Demolition D - My Style Is Hardstyle
6. Builder - Bad Manners (Luca Antolini DJ Mix)
7. Deepack - Zero Crossing
8. DJ Stardust - The Question (Question One)
9. Blademasterz - Masterblade
10. Thoqy - Like This
11. The Pitcher - Start Rooking
12. Peter Damir & Charlie Brown - Double Penetration (Ado & Montorsi Remix)
13. Wild Motherfuckers - Fuck It Up (Zatox & Tatanka Mix)
14. Punk Brozz - Hooked Up
15. Demons On Dope - Die Die Die (Mavor vs Mark Nails Remix)
16. DJ Stardust - Sound Of Vintage (2002 Original Mix)
17. Brainkicker vs Hardstatic - Boom Da Bass (Brainkicker Remix)
18. Alpha Bass & Mike V. - Don Stop 2k10 Hardstyle Mixture
19. Ultrasonic - Ultrabass (Seb Williams)
20. Zero Vision - Overdrive (Scantraxx Remix)
21. Hardstyle God - Prepare To Die (Part. 2)
22. Builder - Skyscraper (DJ Luca Antolini Hard Mix)
23. Droid - Glow (Soul Glo Mix)
24. High Voltage - Bombs Away
25. Starsplash - Free (Deepack Remix)