Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Panda @ Nekrolog1k Podcast 73

Crossbreed   Industrial Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: akmiva @

Bestandstype: Lossless WAV
Lengte: 01:00:17

Meer info
Nekrolog1k Podcast #73 By PandA

PandA is an artist from Switzerland.

He discovered electronic music through parties with his friends during his youg age.

The party was not enough for him anymore, so he decided to get behind the decks.
With friends who shared the same passion for music, they rented a place to mix.

After many hours of training and being influenced by artists such as Katharsys, Counterstrike, AK-Industry, I:Gor and Hellfish,
he was contacted for his first booking in a nearby town.
Following this date, other bookings followed including the Heresy label night Swiss edition which he is particularly proud.

In 2018, Miva, a friend, proposed him to revive the label Nekrolog1k well known in the Hardcore and Drum&Bass scene.

He became a resident DJ and co-owner and it is for him an achievement to be able to transmit the passion that music gave him.


Gestemd door: akmiva JurneSleddens

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Cancel & Dahryl - Ground Zero
2. AK-Industry & The Relic - Your God
3. Khaoz Engine & [KRTM] - Skanque (Tripped Remix)
4. KRTM - Horsepowder
5. Tymon & Stormtrooper - Deadly Kicks
6. Ak-Industry & Dystopik - Skull And Bones
7. KRTM - Drawlcrusher
8. Strange Arrival - Interior Deterioration
9. The Outside Agency & Deathmachine - Neurosurgery
10. Somniac One - The Grand Awokening
11. I:Gor - Now Is The Time
12. Mayhem - The Carver (Noisy R3t4rd Remix)
13. Adamant Scream - Red Coloured Juice
14. Igneon System - Fuck God
15. Matt Green & Al Twisted - That's Why
16. Tymon & Splinter Cell - Bolt Cutter
17. Mindustries - Empty Spaces
18. Mindustries - Dissolvement
19. Richie Gee - The AszDrome
20. Tripped & Matt Green - Underground Panther Jacket
21. I:Gor - Too Hot (Remastered)
22. Counterstrike & Eye-D - The Grind
23. Shadow Sect & IHR - FCKNGJMP
24. Sinister Souls & Fragz & Hallucinator - Alive
25. C-Netik - The Hungriest
26. Deathmachine - The question
27. Detest - Every Second VIP
28. Forbidden Society - Bulldozer