Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Recapture , Indika , DFG , Tharoza & Repix , Chaotic Hostility , Estasia , Plaatbreek Wedstrijd , Soulblast , Sprinky & Hyrule War & Deathroar , FrenchFaces & Hard Effectz , MBK & The Motordogs , Chaotic Mind , DRS , S.R.B. & Dissoactive & Suicide Rage @ Hardcore Fan Day Uptempo Edition

Hardcore   Frenchcore   Terror

Toegevoegd door: -michaelhughes @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 06:31:48
Gestemd door: -michaelhughes Weerzinwekkend HardT3K-Tic
Favoriet van: -michaelhughes

-michaelhughes [Set Editor] -
Artists added in order of the sets played. Think i've added the relevant genres (never heard of a couple of artists).
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
0:00:00 -- Re-Capture
0:29:16 -- Indika & Invidia
0:48:57 -- DFG
1:12:20 -- Repix & Tharoza
1:35:42 -- Chaotic Hostility
2:01:07 -- Estasia
2:20:04 -- Plaatbreek Wedstrijd
2:37:21 -- Soulblast
3:07:18 -- Sprinky & Hyrule War & Deathroar
3:34:07 -- FrenchFaces & Hard Effectz
4:00:47 -- MBK & The Motordogs
4:40:54 -- Chaotic Mind (USB-Error)
4:45:25 -- Impect
5:03:06 -- DRS
5:37:55 -- This Is Terror Showcase (S.R.B. & Dissoactive & Suicide Rage & Mc GyZe)