Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DFRNT @ Album Promo Mix


Toegevoegd door: Legolas @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:43:53

Meer info
More dubstep, right click save as, enjoy ;p Might be slightly different to regular dubstep

Gestemd door: Legolas Animardcore Xerxes


01 Hatcha - Flippin’ (DFRNT Remix) [Dub]
02 Adam Johnson - 4 Squares (DFRNT Remix) [Dub]
03 DFRNT - 808 State of Mind [Dub]
04 DFRNT - On The Move [Forthcoming... On The Edge]
05 DFRNT - Tripped (Synkro Vocal Mix) [Forthcoming... On The Edge]
06 DFRNT - Decay [Forthcoming... On The Edge]
07 DFRNT - Sectioned [Dub]
08 DFRNT - Tenfold (DFRNT Less Is More Edit) []
09 DFRNT - Dark Jazz (DJ Madd’s Even Darker Remix) [Forthcoming... On The Edge]
10 DFRNT - An Early Place [Forthcoming... On The Edge]
11 DFRNT - The Warmest [Forthcoming... On The Edge]
12 DFRNT - Wake Up [Forthcoming... On The Edge]

Legolas -
gf animadcore, zielig ventje ben jij
Jatoch -
omdat hij - vote ofwat?
Legolas -
On 23-08-2009 15:18:38, Jatoch wrote:

omdat hij - vote ofwat?

omdat hij niet tegen negatieve commentaar kan en daarom op deze manier zielig gaat doen
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 23-08-2009 16:31:46, Legolas wrote:


omdat hij niet tegen negatieve commentaar kan en daarom op deze manier zielig gaat doen
