Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luca S @ Remember Disco Story

Trance   Progressive   Techno

Toegevoegd door: luca-s @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:40:05

Meer info
Ho ripreso alcuni dei miei vecchi vinili e ho fatto questo set-mix di vecchi ricordi progressive e techno 90s e primi anni 2000.
L' ho fatto al volo spero che sia di vostro gradimento. Questi erano tracce che si ballavano al Number One sala 1 in italy.

I took back some of my old vinyls and made this set-mix of old progressive and techno memories from the 90s and early 2000s.
I made it on the fly, I hope you like it. These were tracks that were danced at Number One room 1 in Italy.

Gestemd door: luca-s
Favoriet van: luca-s

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. D-devils - 6Th Gate
2. Aqualords - Children Of The Demon
3. Cherrymoon Trax - The House Of House
4. Emmanuel Top - Acid Phase
5. Dj. Jan & X-Santo - Reaching Into My Brain
6. Binary Finary - 1998
7. DJ Tibby - Midnight
8. Jones & Stephenson -The First Rebirth
9. Cherrymoon Trax - Let There Be House
10. Quench - Dreams
11. Pulsedriver IV - Kiss That Sound (DJ Tibby Remix)
12. Next Generation - the Earthquake
13. Mauro Picotto - Iguana
14. Storm - Storm
15. SOSA - Wave (Megamind Mix)
16. Extreme Trax - Final Fantasy
17. Mario Più - Mas Experience (Trance Plus Mix)
18. R.A.F. By Picotto - Ocean Whispers (Dream House Mix 1996)
19. Mystic Force - Psychic Harmony
20. Junk Project - Brain Tool
21. Megamind - Taub? (Picotto Mix)
22. Mauro Picotto - Lizard ( Imperiale Mix )