Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luca S @ The Domain Of Techno Episode 3

Techno   Hardtechno

Toegevoegd door: luca-s @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:36:06

Meer info
Per tutti gli amanti della techno per voi il mio nuovo set-mix, ispirato all' U.M.F Miami. Dove la mia preferenza va a una grandissima DJ Charlotte de Witte. Spero di aver fatto cosa gradita, rimango in attesa di eventuali feedback.

For all techno lovers for you my new set-mix, inspired by U.M.F Miami. Where my preference goes to a very great DJ Charlotte de Witte. I hope I have done what is welcome, I look forward to any feedback.

All copyrights are reserved to the artists of the tracks

Gestemd door: luca-s
Favoriet van: luca-s

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Charlotte de Witte - High Street
2. Alignment - Nothingness
3. Push vs Rebel Boy - Blue Shadow
4. Jens Lissat & Bonzai All Stars - The Machine
5. Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Charlotte de Witte & Enrico Sangiuliano Remix)
6. DJ Jordan - Elements of Joy
7. The Rocketman & VE/RA - Love & Peace
8. The Rocketman & VE/RA - Mind & Brain
9. The Rocketman - This Is Techno (Dit Is Techno)
10. Maddix & The Rocketman - Space In Your Mind
11. DJ Jordan - Positive Vibes (N.O.B.A Remix)
12. N.O.B.A ft. July - I Had A Dream (DJ Jordan Remix)
13. DJ Jordan - Some More (N.O.B.A Remix)
14. DJ Jordan - Spirit (N.O.B.A. Remix)
15. DJ Furax - Hard 69 2.0 (N.O.B.A Remix)
16. Dimitri Cooman - Berserk (N.O.B.A Remix)
17. N.O.B.A - R.O.C.K (Jacidorex Remix)
18. N.O.B.A & Dorian Parano & NÜWA (BE) - Therapy (NÜWA (BE) Remix)
19. David Asko - Black Sky (N.O.B.A Remix)
20. Dolica & N.O.B.A & Kai Pattenberg - Space Technology (Kai Pattenberg Remix)
21. N.O.B.A - Waves
22. N.O.B.A & DOLBY D & Shadym - Attention 2 (N.O.B.A 2021 Reworked)