Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Randy @ Mix 06 1666

Early Hardcore   Early Terror

Toegevoegd door: SandStorm @
Laatst gewijzigd door: SandStorm @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:01:04
Gestemd door: SandStorm hardcorerepublic The_Sociopath

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Side A
1. Ingler & Xol Dog 400 - Main Damage
2. Neroptic - Analog Alien
3. Micropoint - In The Haunted House...
4. Radium - Showtime
5. Micropoint - Join or Die
6. Angel Flo - Justine Your Face
7. Katharsis - Le Chemin De L'éternel
8. Tieum - Fuck DJ Fuck
9. Angel Flo & Sephiroth - Resurrection
  Side B
10. Angel Flo & Sephiroth - Resurrection
11. Micropoint - ZEQ 9
12. ID (36:45 - ??? Known?)
13. EPC - Baryton Palace
14. ID (44:05 - ???)
15. ID (48:45 - ???)
16. Micropoint - Hardbreak
17. B.W.K. - Korrosive Attack
18. Manu Le Malin & The DJ Producer - Enemy

Bedlam -
Side A
Ingler + Xol Dog 400 - Main Damage [Psychik Genocide – PKG 02] "1997"
Neroptic - Analog Alien [Epiteth Rec. – pth011] "1998"
Micropoint - In The Haunted House... [Dead End Records – DER-006] "1997"
DJ Radium - Showtime [Psychik Genocide – PKG 01] "1997"
Micropoint - Join Or Die [Head Fuck Records – HDF 004] "1998"
Angel Flo - Justine Your Face [Slaves Of Devil Our Master – S.O.D.O.M. 007] "1997"
Katharsis - Le Chemin De L'éternel [Toth Recordings – TOTH 1] "1998"
Tieum - Fuck DJ Fuck [Not On Label – P.A.I. 1] "1998"
Angel Flo & Sephiroth - Resurrection [Hardcore Intuitive Virus – HIV 01] "1998"
Side B
Angel Flo & Sephiroth - Resurrection [Hardcore Intuitive Virus – HIV 01] "1998"
Micropoint - ZEQ 9 [Network23 – STORMCORE 5] "1997"
00:36:45 - ??? Known?
EPC - Baryton Palace [Blut – Blut 01] "1998"
00:44:05 - ???
00:48:45 - ???
Micropoint - Hardbreak [B.E.A.S.T. Records – B.E.A.S.T. 003] "1996"
B.W.K. - Korrosive Attack [Zyklon B – ZK B(-)01] "1997"
Manu Le Malin & DJ Producer - Enemy [Industrial Strength Limited – ISL 7] "1997"