Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luca S @ Hard Techno Injection

Hardtechno   Techno

Toegevoegd door: luca-s @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:58:39

Meer info
Hardtechno acida suoni e bassi in progressione. Qiuesto e' uno dei miei set mix piu' potenti del genere. Attendo eventuali feedback.

Hardtechno acid sounds and bass progression. This is one of my most powerful set mixes in the genre. I look forward to any feedback.

All copyrights are reserved to the artists of the tracks.

Gestemd door: luca-s
Favoriet van: luca-s

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Klofama & Nargremi - Your Soul
2. Kobosil - Xayine
3. LS41 & SLVL - Brain Damage
4. Ls41 - Big 9
5. Luca Agnelli - Fast Forward
6. Luca Agnelli - Wait A Minute
7. Lucidd & Per Pleks - We Show Up
8. Luciid - Fxck
9. Luciid - Hellfire
10. Luciid - Paro Hour
11. Luciid - Vault
12. Luciid & Per Pleks & Luke Pollock & Lukas Wiegand - Feel The Darkness
13. Mental Crush - Acid Destroy
14. Mzperx - Ah Shit
15. Nico - Fucking Em Up
16. Nico Moreno - Purple Widow
17. Nico Moreno - Techno Crari
18. Nøname - Something More
19. Onelas - Schweitzer
20. Raxeller - Crying In Your Sleep
21. Remon Verhoeve - Bring It
22. Rudaki - 2 D Floor
23. Rvlt - Feel The Beats
24. Toxic Machinery - Inflicting Pain
25. Triptykh - Grotesque (Alex Tb Remix)
26. Try Bollmann - Prime Nexus
27. Veseli - Psychopathic Lunatic
28. Vidø - Sorry Baby
29. WZX_O - Millennium
30. WZX-O - No Sleep