Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

J.O.E. @ Massive Records


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:58:09

Meer info
Massive Records of Frankfurt, Germany, was a sub label of Overdose Records. With many releases on the label coming from Andreas Kraemar & Thomas Pogadl (P.G.L., Soulfighter), Mass In Orbit (Alex Adam, Andreas Klinger & Klaus Hildenbrand), DJ Jordan (Jürgen Kossack) DJ Discover (David Sifkovic), 2OU (Sakin Bozkurt & Christian Schek) & Reverb (Marco Guardia) the label had many fantastic Hard Trance releases from the mid 90’s through to the early 00’s. Here’s a selection of my favourites, hopefully you enjoy them as much as I do. ✌????

Gestemd door: Hansolo

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Reverb ft. Flash Gordon - Providence (Reverbs Vocal Mix)
2. Mass In Orbit - Cozmic Orgazm (Borneo Mix)
3. P.G.L. - Klang
4. Mass In Orbit - Connect (Satellit Remix)
5. Soulfighter - Brainbow
6. Mass In Orbit - Overdrive (Hubble Mix)
7. 2OU - X-Perience
8. DJ Discover - Take My Hand
9. DJ Jordan - Kick It (P.G.L. Mix)
10. DJ Discover - See My Dreams
11. DJ Jordan - Welcome
12. P.G.L. - In Your Mind
13. DJ Jordan - The Spirit
14. Mass In Orbit - Fear
15. P.G.L. - The Truth
16. Soulfighter - Soulfighter
17. P.G.L. - Sunshine