Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Mind Control @ Real Hardstyle Radio (Enter Your Mind hosted by Mind Control) 74


Toegevoegd door: DJMindControl @

Lengte: 01:03:58

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Rooler & Kronos - FCK DAT (Extended Mix)
2. Phantom - I Can't Stop (Original Mix)
3. Mutilator - Toxic Rave (Extended Mix)
4. Dual Damage - Hiding (Original Mix)
5. Scarra - Bassline Pumping (Original Mix)
6. DEEZL - Doomsday (Original Mix)
7. Element & Kruelty - Decibel Tool (Pro Mix)
8. Kenai - Crystal Shit (Extended Mix)
9. Krowdexx - Moshpit (Original Mix)
10. Aversion - Activation (Pro Mix)
11. Chapter V, Repeller & MC Barricade - Underground Identity (Original Mix)
12. Criminal Mayhem & Element - Dropping Bombs (Original Mix)
13. Cryex & Mutilator - Hear The Rhythm (Original Mix)
14. Delete - Embrace It (Pro Mix)
15. E-Force & Delete - Pleasure & Pain (Original Mix)
16. Frontliner & Alter Ego - Rawstyle Factory (Extended Mix)
17. Frontliner, Digital Punk, Last Word & Alter Ego - The Rapture (Extended Mix)
18. Gunz For Hire & GLDY LX - Baddest On The Block (Extended Mix)
19. Regain - Push It To The Limit
20. Rejecta - Living My Dream (Extended Mix)
21. Ran-D - The Nightmare Factory (Extended Mix)