Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

DJハルウララ(アニメ版) @ Tsungeddon 2

Breakcore   Other

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:31:48

Meer info


001 : DJハルウララ(アニメ版) - MCウララ(TSUNGEDDONがんばるぞ編)
002 : a1426p - 陶酔
003 : KINGDOM SCUM - Dreams Of War
004 : Aaron Spectre - Impeach the Prez
005 : 衿 - jailed
006 : 千石撫子(花澤香菜) - 恋愛サーキュレーション(pencil's Bootleg)
007 : Aaron Spectre - Take It Back
008 : ANARCHY - Anarchy x DJ Izoh Freestyle Session
009 : dj masterkohta - In To The Legend
010 : Lolicoin - smelling like weed at pnc
011 : GucciGate - crashing this plane with no survivors
012 : Guchon - Piano Bros
013 : Stones Taro - Pulp
014 : DJ歳納京子 - ιっカゝ丶)朮─」レ├″
015 : ღDJ魔女っ娘ミラクるんღ - ʖˋ、ζ、″ゅ─ʚ ♥ɞ
016 : Longeez & DJ Cosworth - Hip House Groove Tool (Vox Mix)
017 : DJハルウララ(アニメ版) - 1st
018 : JAKAZiD - Need U More (Extended VIP)
019 : The Prodigy - Your Love (Remix)
020 : Aaron Spectre - Create the Future
021 : 4Dboy - Algebraic Pattern
022 : Aaron Spectre - Riot Beats
023 : ITHAQUA - 星屑