Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

J.O.E. @ Live Love Dance Pt. 5

Oldschool   Happy Hardcore   Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 00:50:28

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Live Love Dance Vol.5

"My final instalment on the magnificent Club Kinetic! A mix of breakbeat & happy Hardcore that were big hits at Kinetic! So many great tracks that I’d forgotten about, thanks to everyone who has thrown in their requests to make this mix happen!"

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1. Liquid Crystal - You Got Me
2. DJ Seduction - Can You Feel It
3. Rhythm For Reasons - Grand National
4. Equazion - Hardcore Science
5. Force Mass Motion - Panic
6. Datura - Yerba Del Diablo (Paye)
7. The Time Frequency - The Hardcore Bounce
8. Technosis - Rush Bins
9. Interstate - On The Groove (Scotts Groove)
10. Q-Tex - E-Creation ('95 Mix)
11. DJ Seduction - Disco Hardcore
12. The Deamoniac - One, Two
13. Jimmy J & Cru-L-T - Six Days (DJ Brisk Remix)
14. Ultra-Sonic - Annihilating Rhythm
15. Kinetic Pleasure - Get The Feeling (DJ Pleasure Mix)
16. QFX - Freedom (Happy Hardcore Mix)
17. The Scotchman - Happy Vibes
18. DJ Paul Elstak - Life Is Like A Dance (Forze DJ Team Remix)
19. Ultimate Buzz - Check Da Bass (Scott Brown Mix)
20. DJ Kaos - Hold Me Now
21. Fade & Bananaman - Dream Surprise