Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Forbidden Technique @ The Hardstyle Chronicles Vol. II - Warface [Chapter VI - Adversity] 007


Toegevoegd door: forbidden_technique @

Lengte: 00:31:09

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Chapter VI - Adversity

Against the tide, through the thunder, adversity strikes,
A testament to the true warriors, the endless fights.
Each beat a battle, each drop a test,
In the heart of the storm, find your quest.
Embrace the adversity, let it sharpen your will,
In the climax of sound, let your spirit thrill.

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Killshot - Fake It
2. Warface & Code Black - Here Forever
3. Warface & Carola - Rave From The Grave
4. Warface - Down To Earth
5. Sound Rush & Warface - Take Me Up
6. Bloodlust - Feed Your Soul
7. Warface - Come With Me
8. Warface - Sky Fall
9. Warface & Dual Damage - Revelation
10. Warface - Satisfaction
11. Warface - Gucci Boii
12. Nico Romero & Warface - 2 Be High
13. Warface - Control The Soul (Mutilator Remix)
14. Warface - HOOYAH!