Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Wicked Groove @ СВЯЗЬ .007

Oldschool   Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 01:03:53

Meer info
.007 — Meet the Wicked Groove

Gestemd door: hardcorerepublic

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Second Phase - Mentasm
2. Joey Beltram - My Sound
3. Human Resource - Dominator (Frank de Wulf #2 Mix)
4. Messiah - DJ Revolution (Hardcore Members Mix)
5. Digital Boy - This Is Mutha F**ker! (Elettro Mix)
6. 80 Aum - Mindcontroller (No Sense Version Two)
7. Program 2 Beltram - The Omen
8. The Mover - Nightflight (Nonstop 2 Kaos)
9. D.J. Bountyhunter - Bountyhunter
10. Yves DeRuyter - ... Animals
11. Euromasters - Rotterdam Éch Wel! (Parkzicht Mix)
12. The Agressor - I'm Coming (Commercial Mix)
13. Equazion - Cyberflux
14. Asylum - Hardcore Asylum
15. Mind Controller - Trance (Original Version)
16. English Muffin - Follow The Leader
17. The Reanimator - Bigger And Bolder (The Original Rave-Attack)
18. Undercover Anarchist - Kingdom
19. The Reanimator - I'll Give You...
20. Sigma 909 - Blow Your Mind
21. Brain Damage - D-Stroy March