Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Tha Dodge Jr. @ Quaver's Stone (Early Terror Special)

Early Terror

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 04:50:19

Meer info
Quavers Stone Special Early Terror (100% Vinyl of 170-640Bpm Mix)
Tha Dodge Jr aka Soulseeker

"Quavers Stone Presents:

5 Hours of Early Terror & Speedcore from the 90's
and 2000 and more...

Unreleased Tracks, Limited Editions and Famous
Tracks from the Past, in 1 Mix!!!!

"(100% Vinyl)"
No USB, Only Crackling M#thaF#cking Early Terror Sound!

This is a "Special Mix"
Deticated To: "Tom76 & Mat"

Mixed & Combined By: Tha Dodge Jr"

x1 Part Soundcloud
x2 Parts Youtube

Gestemd door: terrorhead hardcorerepublic ThaDodgeJr
Favoriet van: Hansolo

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Noize Creator - Undead
2. Tieum vs Jappo - Fuckin Hell
3. Traffik - Bit Stream
4. Overcast - Get Alarmed
5. Hellfish - Bring On The Hurricane Pain
6. Hellfish & The DJ Producer - No More Rock 'N Roll
7. The Shapeshifter - Stinx
8. DJ Vibrator - The Real Criminalz
9. The Speed Freak - Everybody
10. Dolphin & DJ Tox - Weak Motherfuckers
11. Hellfish - No. 1 Set & Sound
12. Hellfish - R2 (The Ascension Of Vengeance Remix)
13. Al Zeimer, Jof, Statics Et Little Mike - Hardcore Gigolos
14. Cat Killer - Fuck a Round
15. Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
16. Catkiller - Monday Morning Madness
17. ID (Stroid 02 - No ID)
18. Xol Dog 400 - Der Strafer!
19. Nyocore - Mr Blue
20. The Noize Junkie - Night Train
21. ID (No ID - Bad (M.J. Mashup))
22. Interrupt Vector vs DJ Plague - We Gotz Game
23. DJ Fistfuck - Emergency (Remix)
24. Atomic Compressor - Sweet And Fast
25. BSE DJ Team - Born To Be Wild
26. HCM - Ready To Attack
27. Kenny Gee - Punch Paka
28. Nasenbluten - Machete
29. Geoff Da Chef - Bad
30. Nasenbluten - Knobs & Knockers
31. Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead
32. Nasenbluten - Punks Jump Up To Get Beat Down
33. Gabba Front Berlin - Lacrima
34. Armaguet Nad - Orphan's Core
35. The Noize Junkie - Fuck Pop
36. Nasenbluten - Grimreaper (Unreleased Remix)
37. Sonic Overkill - I'll Be Watching You Die
38. Syndicate - Hypnotize
39. The Noize Junkie - The Invisible
40. Kenny Gee - Groovy
41. ID (No ID - Feeling You)
42. Trash Enemy Hq - Limbus #1
43. DJ R.Shock - Computer (Remix)
44. Gangstar Toons Industry - 000 (A2) [GTI 003]
45. The Noize Junkie - Raise Your Fist
46. The Shaftman - Shaftman
47. Kenny Gee - Pray For Gabba
48. Overcast - Only Way In (Remix @ 3PM)
49. Kenny Gee - Benny
50. The Speed Freak - Body Rock
51. Bold Bob - Bold Bass II
52. S37 - The Megamix
53. Shockwave Tag Team - Nothing Can Save Ya (Remix)
54. Disciples Of Annihilation - Our Father
55. iGoA - Stufe 2
56. Disciples Of Annihilation - Ya Mutha
57. The Speedfreak - The Same Muthafucka (No Remix At All)
58. Disciples Of Annihilation - N.Y.C.Speedcore
59. Jack Lucifer - 96 Knights (To The Death Mix)
60. U.V.C. - Axis
61. The Shapeshifter - 4 Da Fukkas
62. U.V.C. - Death is.....
63. Dogge Team - We Came To Hool (Good Mob Mix)
64. U.V.C. - U.V.C.
65. BSE DJ Team - Outbreak
66. Lonely Freek - Legende
67. The Speed Freak - Computation 666
68. Bazooka - Bumm Bumm
69. The Bezerker - Evil Words Beyond
70. Nasenbluten - Trench Warfare
71. ID (No ID - Unknown)
72. S.F.O.B. - Speedcore Symponia Part I
73. ID (No ID - Opera Gretto)
74. East West Posse - Sinclair On Air
75. The Bezerker - Get Of The Road
76. Noise Creator - Gangsta!
77. Catkiller - Terror vs Harthouse