Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

G-FORC3 @ Superbad MIDI Breaks Hardcore Radio 133

Crossbreed   Hardcore   Terror

Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: WAV
Lengte: 01:01:24

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【SBMBHCR133】" DJ GーFORC3 " JULY 2024
Superbad MIDI Breaks

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1. Butterfist & Tooms - Stabbed from the Inside
2. Detest - God
3. Deathmachine - Dred (Inqoherent Remix)
4. Bestial & Nagazaki - My Turn (Inqoherent Remix)
5. Dolphin & Deathmachine - Deathnote
6. Detest - 1000 Volts
7. Zerberuz - Demons In My Head
8. Bryan Fury - Get Shot
9. The DJ Producer - Back To The Oldskool
10. Tugie - Destined For Destruction Remix
11. The Hard Way - Pentagram Of Coke VIP (Deathmachine Remix)
12. Dolphin - Bump Groove
13. Hellfish & Dolphin - PhonkE Beat
14. Dataklysm - West Country Gangster Music
15. Khaoz Engine & Xaturate - Straight To The Cut
16. Hellfish & Dolphin - Ultraphonk
17. Hellfish - Keep It Hardcore
18. ButterFist - Abattoir Afterparty
19. RAGE HC - Descending
20. The Satan - I Will Destroy
21. Creatures of the Occult - Deprived
22. UKTM - Straight Up Killah
23. Drokz - Sun Tzu says make them move