Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pithune @ Livestream (Listeners Choice During Event: X-Qlusive 2009)


Toegevoegd door: Pithune @

Bestandstype: 256 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:53:55

Meer info
During Jeff-E i decided to play a set to give listeners another choice of hearing.
set is based on random tracks and requests, no buildup

Gestemd door: [deleted user] Setenza nasty1 Dakpan Odyssee Jipdenk Legolas sFM_Craziest Xerxes Paxton Titatovenaar ThaMaster greg4850 Bierman steviedoyle Chaoz A-BASS Mezzox Simfonik [deleted user]


01. Wildstylez - Music Or Noize
02. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Shallow Planet
03. Dozer - Go
04. Kayem - Exile (Silver Nikan Remix)
05. Headhunterz & Wildstylez vs Noisecontrollers - Tonight
06. Abject - In Our Memories
07. Hardstyle Masterz vs Max Enforcer - The Stage Is Our Home (Max Enforcer Remix)
08. d'Stylerz - The Abscence Of Sound
09. Maly - What I've Got
10. El Grekoz - The End Of The Day (Dutch Mix)
11. Zany ft The Pitcher - Guardian Angel
12. Zatox - Vintage
13. B-Twinz - Showroom

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
hier zijn je download links:

voor de moderators die het zo leuk vinden mijn links te verwijderen
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
doe is normaal man geak
Odyssee -
Ik verwijder het gewoon tot 1 link
Setenza -
Ga weg pithune
Jipdenk -
zoals dakpan al zei
Verse paling ben je
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 11-10-2009 16:56:50, Jipdenk wrote:

zoals dakpan al zei
Verse paling ben je

Setenza -
Ga weg pithune
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Setenza, Dakpan, Odyssee, Jipdenk, allemaal minus

 :yay: we missen nog vogelhuisje en m4a1
sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
On 11-10-2009 16:58:59, Pithune wrote:

Setenza, Dakpan, Odyssee, Jipdenk, allemaal minus

 :yay: we missen nog vogelhuisje en m4a1

 xD  xD
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Upload To:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Setenza -
Stop looking for attention
Titatovenaar -
Thanks for killing the time  ;)
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 11-10-2009 19:29:25, Titatovenaar wrote:

Thanks for killing the time  ;)
