Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Pitcher @ Fusion Yearmix 2009


Toegevoegd door: Fusion @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:59:59

Meer info
Fusion wishes everybody all the best for 2010.
Thank you for all the support, 2009 has been a great year for us.
Especially for that, we are proudly to present the Fusion Yearmix 2009 mixed by The Pitcher.

Gestemd door: [deleted user] UND3RDRIVE Biloute71 Nois3controll3r Khadber Jubka ThaOwner bAsher26 Metonae xsjefkex Jipdenk Futureoftheharderstyles Odyssee x-cored Fusion koldsa Tirion Caesar Timmeehh Adams86 Pithune djdarkknight Wesz dennisz Dakpan hostage Hardsectorz kollie Setenza SchizeQ EviLiv Duruz Jro_ DJArvee Cosmica Scooby-Doo Nitrogen kwaibegai Theekop Guido roorleper420 nmgn1 Parasiten steviedoyle Opperhoofd ANGEL150 LeD Stantana Legolas syxs nasty1 gertus Holephet ZeroGravity Vissenkom TheRealJones r.H. __PIM zum vincejuh Showey ramp ThePhoenix ExF DaMarkuszz Nilles Wals Titatovenaar Michiel201 Simfonik TimTim Jatoch Blauwe Hardstyleguru rexton Xpress_yourself Zairon Royjan baryshx jecht Paulus SoundTrader Maci chicomaster N3Gruj Krijn b14ckpr0j3ct the_voice knarfieboy PhresiF KevinH ScorpY AlvaroM ___TP___ Ronder shocknld TenZ LocalHero Johnny250 lolcode Twannetjuh Sainen hayest Pietjuhhh E-Stylezz TheXQz sHizo Matsuftw alexvdh Nielos nljeroennl Maximize Lake Knocks Noiser69 Revolting_Against NL_Yankee Groningert bassboy883 sjefpruim TheDizZorder Hardstyler80 Tunnelgaenger UnholyMessias C-J m4a1 iMas Xerxes Revir nICo Flipke SuciF3R goodmartinus San_Miquel TTX K-Cin Vetje wschL NeRk djdesudo Kalsiddon icemaner A-BASS Darklight Rool TerrorKaas1992 NDAL B.A.S.H mattiess Mogyi pr0m1l Dr3amcatch3r TaT Mexx bkeuh Morricone Mezzox Jann greg4850 Zanza dj-trblnz DutchMaster Shizzlez loser The-Hardnoiserz blackmail Crysonic Headhunta savageywk gumiantilop heny JNKz Broodtrommel leghunterzz Garl rakiru Friso85 hardstyler_dj DilzZa FranckDemoi Double-T NLS04 DJ_Gracio Nastee summergirl Qcu Lekke Hansolo RIPS10 CrazyDutchMan VanFlip View all ratings
Favoriet van: ThaOwner Timmeehh The-Hardnoiserz Wesz kollie x-cored Theekop roorleper420 rexton baryshx jecht chicomaster E-Stylezz Matsuftw Darklight Morricone DutchMaster Zanza Crysonic savageywk heny Garl hardstyler_dj DilzZa View all favorites

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Noisecontrollers - Promises
2. The Pitcher - Serenity
3. The Pitcher ft. MC DV8 - Shine
4. The Pitcher - Our Core
5. Dozer - Syren
6. The Pitcher - I Just Can't Stop
7. Dozer - Hawk
8. Dozer - Relax
9. The Pitcher - Strange Love
10. The Pitcher ft. Nikkita - Another Day In My Life
11. Williams Syndrome - Secrets
12. Zany & DV8 - Break Away
13. Noisecontrollers - Confucius
14. Toneshifterz - Da Phunk
15. Zany & DV8 - Vision
16. Toneshifterz - Sahara
17. Noisecontrollers - Addictive Fantasy
18. Noisecontrollers - Sanctus
19. Pavo - Raven
20. Noisecontrollers - Samara
21. Zany - Symphonic Feedback
22. Zany - Razr
23. Zany & The Pitcher - Guardian Angel
24. Pavo - Communicate
25. Noisecontrollers - Unbroken
26. Noisecontrollers - Surge Of Power
27. Zany - Animated Audio
28. Zany - Solar
29. Zany meets the Beholder - The New God
30. Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute
31. Noisecontrollers - Revolution Is Here
32. Noisecontrollers - Attack Again
33. Southstylers - Nok Joe Douwn
34. Donkey Rollers - Innocent

icemaner -
One of the yearmix set ever  :) thanxx buddy  :D
Flipke -
Luisterd lekker vlot weg!!  :D
Maar als ze zo op feestjes draaien dan vrees ik dat ik het niet overleef.Om de minuut een dikke climax van Fusion  :worship:  :thumbsup2:  >.<
niceee! The Pitcher  :worship:
Groningert -
De trots van het noorden
On 27-12-2009 06:16:55, Opperhoofd wrote:

Hielenlikkers.  :')

Gelukkig vaar jij tegen de storm in, mama zal trots op je zijn. Leg eens uit waarom je 'ons' plusjesstemmers hielenlikkers vind?
New_Guy4Hardstyle -
FAQ: Get red arrow = Cry!
Fusion > Scantraxx  :thumbsup:
Mezzox -
Fushion  :yay:
ThaOwner -
dit wordt de runner up van 2010  :D
blackmail -
 :yay:The Pitcher feat. MC DV8 - Shine  :yay:
Destination -
Added a new link!  ^.^
RIPS10 -
It's a link from the Yearmix of 2010
Destination -
My bad! Added the correct link  ^.^
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
On 05-01-2015 20:37:43, Destination wrote:

My bad! Added the correct link  ^.^

Hansolo [Set Editor] -
New links added  :)