Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Iemand heeft om een nieuwe download link gevraagd

Javi Boss & DJ Juanma @ Chape 21 Aniversary Central rock master 11

Hardcore   Jump   Hardstyle

Toegevoegd door: javi_centralero @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:00:00
Gestemd door: Destro hazkoloko purogenerator Krank-Im-Kopf AlvaroM mike28


01 Angerfist & Outblast - The voice of mayhem
02 DJ Juanma - Kopon kopon
03 Javi Boss - El vacilón
04 ?
05 Art of Fighters - Do or die
06 Tony Bass - Riverside motherfucker
07 Angerfist - Bite yo style
08 Evil Activities - Sick of my life
09 Tha Playah - Walking the line
10 Evil Activities & The Viper - Project hardcore
11 Triax - Start the show
12 NFaze - In this farewell
13 ?
14 Art of Fighters - Brace for impact
15 Paul Elstak - Angels deserve to die
16 ?
17 DJ Pablo - Polizie
18 Neophyte - Alles kapot
19 DJ Mad Dog - The flow
20 ?
21 Central CAC - El ojo camina
22 Angerfist - Dance with the wolves
23 ?
24 Tommyknocker & DJ Mad Dog - Minimix chronic disorder+loose control
25 Track year 2005 or 2006
26 Kasparov - We will dominate (Angerfist rmx)

loliko -
sesionacaaaaaaaaaa vamos sa centraaaaaaaal  :rtfm:  :rtfm:  :rtfm:  :censored: