Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Louk @ Fausto's Crossover Volume 6

Hardtrance   Techno

Toegevoegd door: Louk @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:04:22

Meer info
Here is my Guest Mix for the legend that is Fausto and his prestigious Fausto's Crossover show that is broadcast on Q-Dance Radio. With this one I thought it would be cool to start with some rockin' techno and then play some hard trance. Hope you all like it. If anyone would like to mirror it that would be greatly appreciated.

Gestemd door: JPN_RVR Legolas Crysonic Louk lawless29 Opperhoofd steviedoyle
Favoriet van: JPN_RVR


Stephane Signore - After E (Cave Mix) [Patterns]
Eric Sneo vs Udo Niebergall - Omnipotent Nights [Masters Of Disaster]
Pedro Delgardo vs Jimfish - Audio [Yin Yang]
Balthazar vs Jackrock - Rockin' Dancefloor (Cave Mix) [Tech Head]
Christian Kouijzer vs Zeusz - Hydraulix 24A [Hydraulix]
Lithium - Blackout [Gentrax]
Cohesive - Follow Me (Louk Mix) [Compulzion]
Wragg + Log One - Neonate [Compulzion]
Dizmaster - Insanity (Andrea Montorsi Mix) [Joyride]
Spektral Voices - The House Of House [Stigma]
Iain Cross - God [Audio:Tech]
Masters Of Chaos - Retribution [German Trance]
Lengo - Life In X [German Trance]
Wragg + Log One - AM Frequencies [Atmosphere UK]

Somewhere deep in Asia
yes...keepin it dark  xD
Louk -
Oh you know it mate - Must admit i was quite influenced by the mark eg and friends arena at Slammin Vinyl (all techno) and loads of quality hard trance doing the rounds
lawless29 -
Riding along, singin a song.....
Lithium - Blackout [Gentrax  :thumbsup2: nice techno aswell as hard trance is your dj style influenced by mark eg
Louk -
to an extent yes, but also add in what vortex (the uk one from the north tape packs) and a couple others