Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Prophet & Dave Angel @ Immortality

Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: @
Laatst gewijzigd door: SandStorm @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:21:00
Gestemd door: OldschoolRaver Holephet sebjan Marielle1 SandStorm

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Joyrider- The Deadline (Final Mix) (1)
2. Yves de Ruyter IV - Calling Earth
3. ID (ID)
4. The Prophet - Party People
5. The Dentist From Boscaland - Untitled (A1) [BOSC 007]
6. Masters Of Rave - Pump It (Like A Master)
7. DJ Paul Elstak - Life Is Like A Dance (Forze DJ Team Remix)
8. Rave Nation - Going Crazy (Forze DJ Team Mix)
9. Gizmo & The Darkraver - We Got The Juice (Original Mix)
10. Bertocucci Fernanzano - XTC-Love (Buzz Fuzz Remix)
11. Inner Destruction - Bang To The Beat (Scott Brown Remix)
12. DJ Isaac - Bad Dreams
13. King Dale - Fuckface (Too Fast For Mellow Mix)
14. Dance Overdose - Wake Up On Overdose
15. The Prophet - Allright Now Here We Go!!!
16. The Prophet - Turn it Up
17. Public Domain - Don't Stop (Wiggle Mix)
18. Source Code - Dawn Of Terror
19. Technodrive - Cool (Gabber Mix)
20. Cherry Moon Trax II - Let There Be House
21. Sunbeam - Outside World (Original Mix)
22. DJ Red Alert & Mike Slammer - In Effect (1)
23. Rave Nation - Going Crazy (Extended Mix)
24. Kinetic Pleasure - Check Check

OldschoolRaver -
THX for the Great Old Pearl
Why do you not the twice sides a and b in one upload ? oO
However great Job from you  ;) -
Takes me too much time to merge the files  :)
Morango -
What is real?
On 22-04-2010 13:21:01, wrote:

Takes me too much time to merge the files  :)

hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
On 22-04-2010 13:21:01, wrote:

Takes me too much time to merge the files  :)

put both in a rar folder  :W
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
links zijn dood..
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
new mediafire link added

N.R.G. -
is geen 1994 maar waarschijnlijk 1995, veel tracks stammen uit 1995 of ver in 1994...Immortality?!
Gewijzigd door N.R.G. op 17-06-2022 19:48