Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DaPole @ JumpCoreRadio


Toegevoegd door: kwaibegai @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:22:00
Gestemd door: Opperhoofd bizznizz Creator


1. Buzz Fuzz - Kickz Of Steel
2. Panic & Evil Activities - Never Fall Asleep
3. Osiris - Raw Full
4. Stunned Guys & Tommyknocker - Your Choice
5. Endymion Evil Activities - Vengeance
6. Placid-K - Look It Up
7. Amnesys - Catastropha
8. Outblast - Ekses Die Naait
9. Partyraiser & Scrapface - Focking Niet Normaal
10. Negative-A - Time To Make It Real
11. Dione - Door To Dreams
12. Alex-B - Backmasking
13. Daymar - No Prada
14. E-Noid - Antichrist(Darkcontrol Remix)
15. Human Resource - The Joke (Partyraiser vs. Lunatic & Miss Hysteria Remix)
16. Genesis Projection - Genesis Overload
17. Obscurity - Screaming Impact
18. Endymion - Paayback (Sie2ur Remix)
19. Tieum & Bryan Fury - Evil Fok
20. Producer - Problematic Freaquency
21. Hellfish - Gnaja Sex ( Weemix )
22. Speedfreak & Stormtrooper - Dying Galaxies
23. Radium - Strong Enough

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