Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Iemand heeft om een nieuwe download link gevraagd

Jimmy The Sound @ Hard.FM Convention Festival


Toegevoegd door: Odyssee @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Gestemd door: SuciF3R michael079 djcirid Fetch donkeyass Opperhoofd kikusthc Odyssee ote


01 Jimmy the Sound - Breakin'
02 Hyperdryve - The Punishment
03 No name -Winter Melody
04 Hyperdrive - The Oldskool Rule
05 Headfucker - Ride or Die (jts rmx)
06 Dj Tana -??
07 Sexotico- El Capitan
08 Bruno Power meets The Dark oscillators - The box
09 2 Brothers of Hardstyle - The Hymn
10 Square Dimensione - A Brand New Dance (Dutch Jumperz Remix)
11 2 Brothers of Hardstyle - Beat Collector

SuciF3R -
Surprise for me. This is very nice set.

Fetch -
Ik ben beter als jou
JTS  :thumbsup2:

8 mb/s download,

Ty school/ Ty Lsdb!
01 Jimmy the Sound - Breakin'
02 Hyperdryve - The Punishment
03 No name -Winter Melody
04 Hyperdrive - Old Skool
05 Headfucker - Ride or Die (jts rmx)
06 Dj Tana -??
07Sexotico- El Capitan
08Bruno Power meets The Dark oscillators - The box
092 Brothers of Hardstyle - The Hymn
10Square Dimension - A Brand New Dance
11 2 Brothers of Hardstyle - Beat Collector
D-Mind -
04. Hyperdrive - The Oldskool Rule
10. Square Dimensione - A Brand New Dance (Dutch Jumperz Remix)