Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Z. @ Zenzicle Soundz 00


Toegevoegd door: Zenzic @

Lengte: 01:14:39

Meer info

"Prepare for some pounding Zenzicle Soundz...''

Gestemd door: purogenerator Piet-R76


01: Donkey Rollers - Mother Fuck (Zany mix)
02: Raine - Dominating
03: The Prophet & DJ Duro - Shizzle the Remix (Brennan & Heart Remix)
04: The Pitcher - Pump it Loud (Original mix)
05: Zany & Duro - Dissin'
06: Duro - Oldskool Phenomenon (Showtek Remix)
07: The Pitcher - Twist & Shout Re-amp
08: Isaac - Bitches (Original mix)
09: Proppy & Heady - The B-side
10: Wildstylez - In & Out
11: Frontliner - On The Rise
12: Scope DJ - Househeads
13: Headhunterz & Brennan Heart - The MF point of Perfection
14: Project One - Life Beyond Earth
15: Wildstylez - Clubbin'
16: Noisecontrollers - Shreek (Original mix)
17: Frontliner - Warphole
18: Zatox - Andromeda
19: Zany & Noisecontrollers - Paranoid
20: Alpha Twins & Wildstylez - Atrocious
21: Headhunterz - Forever az One (Cut)
22: Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute (Alpha Twins Remix)
23: B-Frontliner - Magic