Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The DizZorder vs. Vantage Point @ Convention Of The Harder Styles The RHR Goodbye Liveshow


Toegevoegd door: Vantage-Point @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Duruz @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:09

Meer info
Hey allemaal,

Hierbij een livesetje van The Dizzorder vs Vantage Point. Dit was vanuit de liveshow van Convention Of The Harder Styles van Real Hardstyle Radio. Voor diegenen die het geluisterd hebben, weten van voor gekkehuis het geweest is, maar gelukkig wisten wij er nog een lekker setje neer te zetten. We hopen dat jullie het wat vinden!?

Gestemd door: Vantage-Point Pithune Nois3controll3r CrucialValue DJ_Gracio CrazyDutchMan RonkeyDollers boerenlater Strikerrr kollie Piet-R76 Sk1tzo Vioda Xiphias


01. Chelley - Took The Night (The Vision Mix)
02. Hardstyle Masterz & Max Enforcer - Rambo Is A Tingeling (DizZorder Edit)
03. Crucial Value - Hero
04. Phillipe Rochard - Crumpshit
05. Southstylerz - Pwoap! (Live Edit)
06. B-front - Frontliner - Become the Sky
07. Crypsis - Jealousy
08. Toneshifterz - In Darkness
09. Tuneboy - Ombrello Maledetto
10. Max Enforcer - Damned
11. The R3bels - Pattern 1
12. Kodex - The Witch
13. Chain Reaction - Out With a Bang
14. DHHD - Funky Shit (Degos & Re-Done Skuimbek Remix)
15. Sam Punk - Ketamine (Robin Clark Mix)
16. The Machine - Audiobot

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
gruwelijke set !
heny -
Just a question, "gruwelijk" means "horrible" in English. But as you are a Dutchie I could imagine it meaning the opposite, right?  :D
Jipdenk -
On 01-09-2010 15:46:45, heny wrote:

Just a question, "gruwelijk" means "horrible" in English. But as you are a Dutchie I could imagine it meaning the opposite, right?  :D

Well it means the same,
but here it means something like "awesome".
heny -
Okay, thanks.  :thumbsup:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
16. The Machine - Audiobot

mixed by me.

rest by DizZorder and Vantage Point
Sk1tzo -
Spank Ur Brains Out
lekkere piepjes @ Tingeling  :censored: nu heb k pijn aan mn oren -.-'
Maar wel vette set, +3
Vantage-Point -
On 01-09-2010 21:35:13, Sk1tzo wrote:

lekkere piepjes @ Tingeling  :censored: nu heb k pijn aan mn oren -.-'
Maar wel vette set, +3

Thx man!  :D
Vioda -
13. Chain Reaction - Out With a Bang
14. DHHD - Funky Shit (Degos & Re-Done Skuimbek Remix)
15. Sam Punk - Ketamine (Robin Clark Mix)
16. The Machine - Audiobot

 :thumbsup:  :thumbsup: