Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
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Wavolizer @ Theracords pres. Wavolizer Sessions #03

Hardstyle   Early Hardstyle

Toegevoegd door: Wavolizer @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Maximumraver @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:59:01
Gestemd door: Jro_ Vioda lamtak Nilles djdesudo kardar Geck-o R-Tillary loser SchizeQ koekwous B-ass djbazz-r steviedoyle D-Mind koldsa Crysonic greg4850 Hardman M0rtenK EviLiv dreos1337 Lanoz Double-T Orbi Pluiz Micha82 real7a balons DjThera Backstab hardlogic hardstation.FM Darkstorm Opperhoofd Edwinn gero View all ratings
Favoriet van: Crysonic dreos1337 real7a

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Geck-e - Parallel Worlds
2. Showtek - Save The Day Again
3. Geck-e - Technoir
4. Chiren - Convicted
5. Atlantic Wave - Reforced (Giada Remix)
6. DJ Thera - Clash
7. DJ Gius - Mega What (DJ Stardust Remix)
8. Thomas Trouble - In Full Effect
9. DJ Thera - Doggystyle
10. Public Domain Soundsystem - Automatic Audio Overload (The Machine Remix)
11. Geck-o - Mindsweeper
12. Wavolizer - Fight!
13. DHHD - Funky Shit (Deepack Remix)
14. Teknoid - Edge Of Darkness
15. DJ Thera & Geck-O - Do The Happy Face
16. Geck-o - Smash The Alliance (Wavo Mash-Up)

Nilles -
ziet er geil uit  :hungry:
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
On 13-12-2010 15:31:38, Nilles wrote:

ziet er geil uit  :hungry:

Vind ik ook  :L
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
On 13-12-2010 15:31:38, Nilles wrote:

ziet er geil uit  :hungry:
Crysonic -
was worrying this wasn't gonna get uploaded  :p epic set!  :worship:
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
Altijd baas. Best wel fan.  :$
real7a -
very nice tracks selection ^)