Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Headhunterz @ Fear FM Awards 2010


Toegevoegd door: bAsher26 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:48

Meer info

Gestemd door: bAsher26 ZeroGravity Jro_ [deleted user] Double-T Setenza djblacksun m4a1 Pithune ThaMaster DfuzionHardstyle boerenlater Hansi24 Neaunamer em-dee-em-aa steviedoyle Sedric koldsa heny Knomo Jipdenk SuciF3R kwaibegai Noiser69 pifts viann RuffJ Irys Dalord E-Stylezz New_Guy4Hardstyle Jacknife ulli88 Tunnelgaenger Dakpan gertus Orbi Opperhoofd SchizeQ Legolas Vioda Hardstylelover Pluiz Wayout RS90 The_Hidden CrucialValue djbazz-r Gerome91 TaT Miro ProMixer ReLeX Deserteagles bizznizz mixclubster EviLiv B-ass DJ_Gracio Neilio PhresiF Biloute71 Fluxy sjawel shocknld harderstylezz Simfonik KevinH Rzr Odyssee Nois3controll3r hardstyler_dj nICo Kremer petre_ Duruz NeRk OldschoolRaver DJ_Basskoenig fen0m Profite nimweegenaar Nego SilvioAquila dreos1337 dj-buist CrazyDutchMan Bubba eMule hardstylistixx daKloze kollie BJA026 Canyonree Edwinn Qlmx J3fk33 Backstab HARDSTYLE_BRABANT Stokbrood Robintjuh real7a Anni_fs HardstyleONLY Basscontrollerz M0rtenK B. Billy-Balzak j0rrit Michiel201 Vogelhuisje Stantana rommmka777 Schildpad Marlboro.Man ETB PatrickVienna __PIM Holephet Josh-T Vantage-Point matlll14 jediny David--Meehan DCepticonNL sivy ivano Krisstianox igormyotis Nephos Micha82 Kesskes bubbel Revir diskwarrior booly Speedboats Blauwe UnholyMessias DJDarKSN SirConceptz Laere Hektor timdewilde Xerxes NoizeboyDJ Siupak mickk9 rockingwing chicomaster Absence PierrePruuk Blazed Remm Wermuth sinenV Jailbaitz Morphi maasider greg4850 x117xAnthraX Hardman lamtak Chevalier m4gnu55on RawHardStylezz CuntyBusiness CamKillah Jefff Mogyi sanderjt Lanoz knarfieboy Piet-R76 Madredchris NoizeattaX gero JNKz Zwockstyle View all ratings
Favoriet van: Jro_ Double-T Neaunamer koldsa Noiser69 mixclubster Gerome91 real7a Basscontrollerz Krisstianox Bex rockingwing CuntyBusiness Lanoz ziombo12 lb070poker

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Headhunterz - From Within
2. Noisecontrollers - Gimme Love
3. Headhunterz - Psychedelic Sunshine
4. TNT - Dial T For TNT
5. Brooklyn Bounce - Club Bizarre (Headhunterz & Noisecontrollers Remix)
6. Wildstylez & Noisecontrollers - Just Attack As Easy Again (Mash Up)
7. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Rockin' Ur Mind
8. Headhunterz & Wildstylez - Down With The Hardstyle (Credible Mix)
9. Wildstylez - Back 2 Basics
10. D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Music Made Addict (Headhunterz & Wildstylez Remix)
11. Psyko Punkz vs Coone - Dirty Soundz (Ra-Ta-Ta)
12. Noisecontrollers - Escape
13. Alpha² & Wildstylez - Breathe
14. Noisecontrollers - Give It Up
15. Blutonium Boy - Make It Loud (Headhunterz Remix)

Odyssee -

orgasme set  (L)
Jatoch -
On 30-12-2010 14:01:25, Odyssee wrote:

orgasme set  (L)

Heb je dit niet bij de foute set gepost?
Duruz -
On 30-12-2010 00:40:21, Jro_ wrote:

01. Headhunterz - From within
02. Wildstylez - love
03. Headhunterz - Psychedelic sunshine

Dodelijk  :hungry:

Gewijzigd door Duruz op 30-12-2010 15:32
Guido -
06. Brennan Heart & Noisecontrollers - Just Attack As Easy Again  =]
DJ_Gracio -
01. Headhunterz - From Within =  :X
02. Wildstylez - Love =  :L  :worship:  :yay:
03. Headhunterz - Psychedelic Sunshine =  =D
04. TNT - Dial T For TNT =  :worship:
05. Brooklyn Bounce - Club Bizarre (Headhunterz & Noisecontrollers Remix) =  :thumbsup:
06. Brennan Heart & Noisecontrollers - Just Atack As Easy Again =  :X
07. D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Rockin' ur Mind =  :L  :thumbsup:
08. Headhunterz & Wildstylez - Down With The Hardstyle (Credible Mix) =  :thumbsup:
09. Wildstylez - Back 2 Basics =  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
10. D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Music Made Addict (Headhunterz & Wildstylez Remix) =  :X
11. Psyko Punkz vs. Coone - Dirty Soundz (Ra-Ta-Ta) =  :w00t:
12. Noisecontrollers - Escape =  :worship:  :thumbsup2:
13. Alpha² & Wildstylez - Breath =  =D
14. Noisecontrollers - Give It Up =  :worship:
15. Blutonium Boy - Make it Loud (Headhunterz Remix)  :thumbsup:
OldschoolRaver -
Puplic shice
this hardstyle suckz so much
no feeling no atmosphere in the tracks
hate the new style  :X  :X  :X
Setenza -
On 30-12-2010 07:46:19, Dakpan wrote:

klote set
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
On 30-12-2010 14:34:11, OldschoolRaver wrote:

Puplic shice
this hardstyle suckz so much
no feeling no atmosphere in the tracks
hate the new style  :X  :X  :X
Jipdenk -
gracio pleur op met je 1000 emoticons
Jipdenk -
On 30-12-2010 11:07:25, DutchMaster wrote:

nu krijg je weer rood naamstemmers...

ik heb geluisterd hoor meneertje DutchMaster,
vond er gewoon geen zak aan.
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
On 30-12-2010 14:34:11, OldschoolRaver wrote:

Puplic shice
this hardstyle suckz so much
no feeling no atmosphere in the tracks
hate the new style  :X  :X  :X
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
Headhunterz - From Within
 _O-  _O-

Someone put in a handup genre
daKloze -
It's a shame if it gets a bomb  :-/
Qlmx -
Breath, heerlijke plaat.

Vind Wildstylez - Love niet heel geslaagd, maar dat is mijn smaak!
01. Headhunterz - From Within  :X
02. Wildstylez - Love  :-/
03. Headhunterz - Psychedelic Sunshine  :X
04. TNT - Dial T For TNT  :thumbsup:
05. Brooklyn Bounce - Club Bizarre (Headhunterz & Noisecontrollers Remix)  :thumbsup:
06. Brennan Heart & Noisecontrollers - Just Attack As Easy Again  :X
07. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Rockin' ur Mind  ;)
08. Headhunterz & Wildstylez - Down With The Hardstyle (Credible Mix)  :X
09. Wildstylez - Back 2 Basics  :thumbsup2:
10. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Music Made Addict (Headhunterz & Wildstylez Remix)  :X
11. Psyko Punkz vs. Coone - Dirty Soundz (Ra-Ta-Ta)  :thumbsup:
12. Noisecontrollers - Escape  :thumbsup2:
13. Alpha² & Wildstylez - Breath  :thumbsup2:
14. Noisecontrollers - Give It Up  :thumbsup2:
15. Blutonium Boy - Make It Loud (Headhunterz Remix)  :thumbsup2:
Stokbrood -
Authentic DJ
01. Headhunterz - From Within
02. Wildstylez - Love
03. Headhunterz - Psychedelic Sunshine
04. TNT - Dial T For TNT

zijn opzich wel leuk, maar de rest  :X
Jipdenk -
J3fk33 -
Bass Ofcourse~!!
12. Noisecontrollers - Escape
13. Alpha² & Wildstylez - Breath
14. Noisecontrollers - Give It Up

Heilige volgorde, rest mwa, WS - Love & TnT - Dial T for TnT zijn ook wel lekker ^^
Gewijzigd door J3fk33 op 30-12-2010 17:29
real7a -
very nice set ^)
On 30-12-2010 17:23:35, Jipdenk wrote:


Komt goed hoor  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup2:  :p  ;)  ^.^  :D  =]  :W  :doh: