Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mind.Illusion @ Wake You From Your Boredom #16


Toegevoegd door: Mind.Illusion @
Laatst gewijzigd door: TimTim @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:15:00
Gestemd door: K-Cin dreos1337 Duruz Nimrod stefan88pt Jro_ Lanoz TimTim SchizeQ em-dee-em-aa [deleted user] M0rtenK Valued Neilio Vivec koldsa E-Stylezz Gerome91 Maci Titatovenaar Stokbrood B-Flock Piet-R76 View all ratings


01. Zatox & Activator – Oxygen
02. Zany & The Beholder – Euphoria
03. Crypsis – Chaser
04. Alphaverb & Intractable One – Never Enough
05. Activator – Authentic Style
06. The Machine – Vicious Tones (Second Mix)
07. Hardstyle Masterz – Les Phases
08. Activator – Go To Church
09. Chain Reaction – Answers
10. Da Revolutionists – Postal (Zatox Remix)
11. Crypsis – Tuatara
12. 2 Sidez – Listen
13. Phrantic – Become One (Merge Mix)
14. Digital Punk & Marlon S – Bringing The Funk
15. 2 Sidez – Freakin’
16. Zatox – I Hate U
17. ABW – Origins Of War

djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
How come you've not been on the Magic show in ages? Same story with Koldsa?
Duruz -
01. Zatox & Activator – Oxygen
05. Activator – Authentic Style
07. Hardstyle Masterz – Les Phases
11. Crypsis – Tuatara
16. Zatox – I Hate U
Mind.Illusion -
On 10-01-2011 16:20:39, djdesudo wrote:

How come you've not been on the Magic show in ages? Same story with Koldsa?

The 22nd of December I was in the Magic Show  8-) Not so long time ago.
boerenlater -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
add zippy plz, I got this 24hr download limit crap
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
 :doh: I hadn't noticed. I was wondering if you and Koldsa were still a part of the show. Good to hear that you's are  :)
Lanoz -
..Raw Hard Chemical..
makes sense, magic show has a lot of residents  :p
boerenlater -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Thanks for hotfile  :worship:
Mind.Illusion -
Enjoy!  :p
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
Lekker setje :d les drums mocht wel weg  :o
ABW – Origins Of War <-- doe die maar in iedere set  :a:
em-dee-em-aa -
Vet setje weer  :thumbsup:
Mind.Illusion -
Neilio -
Stevige beukset! Lekker voor morgen in de trein, want daar verveel ik me altijd  :p
boele76 -
lekkere set!!! weer stamwerk eindelijk  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :bomb:  :bomb: goed mixwerk  :thumbsup:
Mind.Illusion -
Thnx!  :thumbsup:
Stokbrood -
Authentic DJ
Alleen voor de Activator platen al +  :L