Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
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DJ Nego @ Fear FM


Toegevoegd door: []Playboy @

Gestemd door: Opperhoofd


1. Intro
2. Lowriders Don't Get Back
3. Scooter Lass uns Tanzen (DJ Zany Remix)
4. Chicks on Fire Aanstekahhh
5. Da Revolutionist Postal (Zatox remix)
6. Zatox vs Activator Don't let it go
7. Tatact Back to the 90's
8. Equal Mindz Hardminded (Minderhunterz remix)
9. Dutch Jumperz Kick the Bass
10. Chicks on Fire Natte Asbak
11. Noisecontrollers Aliens
12. A-lusion Drummer Beat
13. Duro Cocaine MF (Oldskool remix)