Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Machine @ The Tribute Show V.I.P


Toegevoegd door: AadMagnaat @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:00:00
Gestemd door: AadMagnaat steviedoyle P4RTYLOV3R igormyotis Mr.Johnny.Napalm Noiser69 petre_ heny DJConvert Nitrogen kwaibegai Orbi JNKz EviLiv greg4850 Jro_ jediny Speedboats timdewilde HardstyleGermany Vioda exorcist kardar erdnuzz SpiritualFire ProMixer Revir ZeroGravity opsyde Eddix SchizeQ daKloze Jatoch Legolas RogeRi Nevio Hektor CrazyDutchMan Timmeehh mstx Edwinn em-dee-em-aa Jipdenk Opperhoofd boerenlater SuciF3R ivano Morango Absence -Maks- Blazed Troyee Kapik Lanoz Gerome91 Daveytl ramp A-BASS MAWI TheXQz Mexx Piet-R76 Dakpan Backstab eMule Sjoerd88 djdesudo coolmodee Canyonree gero c.bierman rudeman View all ratings
Favoriet van: AadMagnaat Noiser69 Hektor Timmeehh SuciF3R A-BASS heny Sjoerd88 c.bierman


01: The Machine - Green Forest
02: The Machine - Renaissance
03: The Machine - Stardust
04: Public Domain Soundsystem - Automatic Audio Overload (The Machine Remix)
05: The Machine - Sound of the Machine
06: The Machine ft. Alphaverb - Chemistry of Sound
07: The Machine - State of your Mind
08: The Machine - Explorers of the Mind
09: The Machine - Audiobot
10: The Machine ft. Sasha F - No Mad Soul
11: The Machine - Place of Terror
12: The Machine - Vicious Tones (First Mix)
13: The Machine - Times Like These
14: The Machine - Lady of the Lake
15: The Machine - Mistress of Darkness

Duruz -
On 27-02-2011 15:08:40, ZeroGravity wrote:


ZeroGravity -
The Heretic
Hektor -
Zuigen, kreng!
Die introductie.  :clown:
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Jipdenk -
On 27-02-2011 16:37:01, Hektor wrote:

Die introductie.  :clown:
SuciF3R -
Typical Machine atmosphere  :worship:  :worship:  :L
Blazed -
System Crash!
On 27-02-2011 20:12:20, Jipdenk wrote:


Inderdaad, jezus wat slecht.
Morango -
What is real?
On 27-02-2011 20:12:20, Jipdenk wrote:


(real) thankz for the zippy. Jip.  :thumbsup:
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Jipdenk -
On 28-02-2011 00:16:24, Morango wrote:


(real) thankz for the zippy. Jip.  :thumbsup:

dennisz -
Rawstyle in z'n puurste vorm.
Nilles -
Jipdenk -
On 28-02-2011 11:23:03, dennisz wrote:

Rawstyle in z'n puurste vorm.

Fijn setje  (L)
Mexx -
Thalion Heru | Evil Adrenaline
Dikke held.
heny -
This set is deserving a  :bomb:.
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
whats the quality of this mix? This is exactly what i was looking for!!!
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
Sensational stuff. The Machine is easily one of the best things going in Hardstyle right now!
isense -
sci-fi hardstyle _O_