Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Stefan Ludley @ Clubnight


Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 02:00:00

Meer info
2005-09-24 - Stefan Ludley @ Clubnight


01. 21:00 / 1:20 Constrainment - Pythagoraz (Dance N Dust - D.N.D. 05)
02. 21:08 / 1:28 Stage Of Evolution - Visua (Groove Zone - GZCD 004)
03. 21:14 / 1:34 Welcome To The Future - Headroom (Nano - NANO CD 011)
04. 21:20 / 1:40 Inner Space - Wrecked Machines (Alchemy - ALCD 0017)
05. 21:25 / 1:45 Star Guitar - TOaSt3d (Agitato - AGE 1041)
06. 21:32 / 1:52 Teddy Enters Wonderland (Pop Stream Remix) - Sesto Sento (Com.Pact - CPCDIL 24)
07. 21:38 / 1:58 Sunglasses - Overlap (Harmonia - HRCD 002)
08. 21:46 / 2:06 Hijacka - Alternative Control (Turbo Trance - TTrCD 014)
09. 21:51 / 2:11 Greetings Of Psychaosis (Andromeda Remix) - Artax (Yellow Sunshine Explosion - YSE 078-1)
10. 21:58 / 2:18 Noodle - Backspace (Spliff Music - SP1CD 010)
11. 22:04 / 2:24 Brenner Power - Psysex & Rocky (Solstice Music - SOLMC 044)
12. 22:08 / 2:28 Anti Gravity - Oforia (BNE/Brand New Entertainment - YOYO 065)
13. 22:15 / 2:35 Above The Ground - Noga vs. Solar System (Trancelucent Productions - TPCDIL 012)
14. 22:20 / 2:40 On The Run - Silent Sphere (Midijum - MDCD 023)
15. 22:27 / 2:47 Goadzilla (Apocalypse Remix) - Sesto Sento (Com.Pact - CPCDIL 24)
16. 22:33 / 2:53 Walking In Circles (Andromeda's Colombian Breakfast Remix) - Gaudium (Spiral Trax - SPIT 036)
17. 22:39 / 2:59 The Sliph - Rumble Pack (Mind Control - MCCD 004)
18. 22:45 / 3:05 Feelin' Jumpy - Hypersonic (Phonokol - 2339-2)
19. 22:50 / 3:10 Everlasting - Toxical (Spliff Music - SP1CD 009)
20. 22:55 / 3:15 Who Has The Marijuana? (Quadra Remix) - Alien Project (Solstice Music - SOLMCD 017)