Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dave Clarke & The Black Dog @ White Noise 282


Toegevoegd door: PatrickG88 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: PatrickG88 @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:57:30

Meer info
* (with streams)


Gestemd door: Rum-P


* First Hour:
01. A-Brothers - Chemical Changes (Niereich Remix)
02. Mr. Jones - Armory
03. Bas Mooy - Krull (GayleSan DJHi-Shock Remix)
04. Brodinski - Tramp3
05. On Off - Ambush
06. Paul Mac - Odd Things Amount to Nothing
07. Mark Rogan - Reflections (Original Mix)
08. Plural - Blow out
09. Intensitive - Enchantment
10. Sunil Sharpe - Boom Repeater
11. Sterling Moss & Paul Janes - Stalker

* Second Hour
12. Scan 7 - Seventh Moon
13. Biz - Step it Up
14. Freak Seven - Nano Kids (Vocal)
15. Alvina Red & Manuel Perez - Celica (Tomas Jirku Remix)

Following: The Black Dog - Exclusive White Noise Mix - Dark Chamber DJ Mix 2011

01. The Black Dog vs Surgeon - Coaster - Soma/Dust Science
02. Planetary Assault Systems - Sucktion - Mote Evolver
03 Planetary Assault Systems - Raid - Mote Evolver
04. Lucy and Xhin - LX3 - CLR Recordings
05. Robert Hood - Alpha (James Ruskin Remix) - M-Plant
06. Samuli Kemppi - Suunta - Komisch
07. Function vs Jerome Sydenham - Two Ninety One - CLR Recordings
08. LFO - LFO (tBd Rework) - Warp
09. The Black Dog - Jack Warp - Unreleased
10. OVR - Descending The Left Corner - Blueprint Records
11. Raudive - Total Pure - Wires
12. The Black Dog - Drake Equation - Unreleased
13. Traversable Wormhole - Transducer (Brian Sanhaji Remix) - CLR Recordings
14. The Black Dog - Bass Tunnel - Unreleased
15. The Black Dog vs Surgeon - Muggerscum Out - Soma/Dust Science