Meer info
Mindustries: These two guys brought out their first release in '04, the album " //.DeusExMachina//." on Enzyme records. With this huge album they instantly made name in Hardcoreland. Their last productions have been released on the ''Third Movement'' label. Check
01. Mindustries - Introspective
02. Dep Affect - Tricyclic
03. Cubic Nomad - Paradox Lost
04. Tymon - Pain Tripper
05. Mindustries - The Arrival
06. The Outside Agency - 740 MHZ
07. Current Value - Heavy Weight
08. Broken Rules - Minimize it
09. Stormtrooper - Meet my clones
10. Mindustries - Depths
11. Cubic Nomad - Amauri
12. The Outside Agency - Choice Mission
13. The Outside Agency - Machinery of death (part 3)
14. Lunatic & Miss Hysteria - Life before death
15. Mindustries - Resistance
16. Stormtrooper - Crazy Drug Music
17. SPL & Ophidian - Subconcious
18. Enzyme X - Silly Mid on
19. The DJ Producer & Death Machine - 10 years of influence
20. The Outside Agency - Primitive
21. Mindustries - Revelation
22. TOA & Tapage - Industrial Cooking Spray
01: ID
02: Mindustries - Black
03: ID
04: ID
05: Mindustries - The Arrival
06: The Outside Agency - 740Mhz Inertial Overtone
07: ID
08: Broken Rules - Minimize It
09: ID
10: ID
11: ID
12: The Outside Agency & Tapage - Choice Mission
13: The Outside Agency - The Machinery of Death
14: ID
15: Mindustries - The Resistance
16: Stormtrooper - Crazy Drug Music
17: Ophidian & SPL - Subconscious
18: Enzyme X - Silly Mid On
19: ID
20: The DJ Producer & Deathmachine - 10 Years of Influence
21: The Outside Agency - Primitive
22: Mindustries - Endurance
23: The Outside Agency & Tapage - Industrial Cooking Spray
Mindustries - Introspective
Dep Affect - Tricyclic
Cubic Nomad - Paradox
Tymon - Pain Tripper
Mindustries - The Arrival
The Outside Agency - 740 MHZ
Current Value - Heavy Weight
Broken Rules - Minimize it
Stormtrooper - Meet my clones
Mindustries - Depths
Cubic Nomad - Amauri
The Outside Agency - Choice Mission
The Outside Agency - Machinery of death (part 3)
Lunatic & Miss Hysteria - Life before death
Mindustries - Resistance
Stormtrooper - Crazy Drug Music
SPL & Ophidian - Subconcious
Enzyme X - Silly Mid on
The DJ Producer & Death Machine - 10 years of influence
The Outside Agency - Primitive
Mindustries - Revelation
TOA & Tapage - Industrial Cooking Spray