Gestemd door:
SuciF3R SoundTrader Jro_ D-Mind NeRk Opperhoofd Nevio Tunnelgaenger TerrorKaas1992 Spikey Legolas NDAL TimTim
01. DJ Neo - Survivor
02. Stana - Scum (DJ Thera Dark Mix)
03. Dark Osciallators - Trapped (Scantinato Mix)
04. Beat Providers - The Solstice
05. Showtek - Down Under
06. Dark Osciallators - Stereophobia (Original Mix)
07. Blutonium Boy joins Luna - Blackout
08. Beat Providers - Darkest Dreams
09. D-Mind vs. Dfuzion - Fissure!
10. Dutch Master - Floorspin
11. Zany feat. Harmonik - Evolution
12. Brainkicker and Bass Modulators vs. Project One - Ring That Story (Koldsas Vocal Mash)
13. Rephex and ABW - Nuclear (Rephexs Radiactive Mix)